Blue Egg Layers from University of Arkansas

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All the UA folks will say is a friend connected with the commercial industry developed them. I believe Arkansas has more claim than any other state, unless it can be proven another state can lay claim to its development. But as Bently stated, lets get along and not disagree over simple stuff.
You can call them anything you want just like people call the fast growing white broilers cornish cross or the hybrid white egg layers Leghorns. All I know is that they werent developed in Ark.
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You can call them anything you want just like people call the fast growing white broilers cornish cross or the hybrid white egg layers Leghorns. All I know is that they werent developed in Ark.

Well, the white broilers cornish cross or the hybrid white egg layers Leghorns are both HYBRIDS that will not breed true without the parent and grandparent stock. These Arkansas Blues breed true.

If you think you know where they were developed, please do tell us. Enquiring minds want to know.
I don't think he should divulge the info, personally speaking. We all know how big of a sensation this has already caused. What if this person wishes to remain anonymous?
I don't think he should divulge the info, personally speaking. We all know how big of a sensation this has already caused. What if this person wishes to remain anonymous?

In my opinion, if Dr. Keith Bramwell and his students will not tell anyone who/where of the development of these, no one outside the University of Arkansas knows either.

We have added a Blue and a Splash pullet to our breeding pens and culled the White male. We will be offering a limited amount of eggs soon.
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