Blue Egg Layers from University of Arkansas

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Awesome chicken Fowl Player! I have really enjoyed this thread. Lots of great info, though I find myself reading the posts a few times to try and absorb all the amazing, expert info. So over my head. But I am trying. I am loving the Blues and hope someday someone share some. Until then I will continue to love all of y'all photos. Please post more
Jim, are you tracking how many eggs you are getting?
So far an egg a day from this Black pullet. The others were hatched a little later. They are now 16 weeks old. The Black pullet started laying at 18 weeks. We are checking every day for eggs in their pens.
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wow folks 10+ pages in 3 days!!! my home computer went coput so i don't get on BYC much at home anymore... i can on my phone but its so small it is hard to read...

1st i think the controversy right now is good for the breed long term lets get it all hashed out now (as long as the thread don't get closed) so later on we can focus on breeding them... i personally have had Araucana, Ameraucanas and Leghorns... i think these birds combine the best of them with out some of the distractions... Araucana have the lethal gene and are rump-less, many Ameraucanas don't lay well and/or are crazy broody all the time, Leghorns lay a boring egg and are really flighty... these birds have all the good and little if any of the bad(don't know if any would set but i doubt it) so that alone to me seems enough to call them there own breed and to try to get them in the SOP...

i don't have any of these but i am on Jim's list for eggs later this year...

Later Elias
This thread has all the excitement of an IPO with insider trading information. Nothing gets people fired up like the smell of money. Good luck getting on the ground floor of the next hot, new breed. Tom
I don't see how this will ever get through when all constructive advice is deleted. Inflating their value with constant name-dropping might work temporarily, but it doesn't help the birds in any way.
This thread has all the excitement of an IPO with insider trading information. Nothing gets people fired up like the smell of money. Good luck getting on the ground floor of the next hot, new breed. Tom

To be honest, having one of the only publicly available flocks, we sort of hope they are a hot new breed. At least we will get some feed paid for. At first I only kept the eggs because our youth deserved birds they could show. My wife wanted some layers. Figured this would work. But after seeing the birds mature, I started liking them. If they never reach the Standard, at least they may one day help folks produce more eggs in their backyard.

I don't see how this will ever get through when all constructive advice is deleted. Inflating their value with constant name-dropping might work temporarily, but it doesn't help the birds in any way.

The BYC staff control what posts are deleted. Not the members. I must bow to their authority. We refer to Dr. Bramwell because he is who released the eggs to us and is the best authority on genetics that we know. When we post something incorrect, he usually sends an email to one of us and straightens us out. It is difficult to recall every word he shared with us. Our memories are not always accurate. So we appreciate Dr. Bramwell's patience in dealing with all of us.

The real name we wished we could drop is the actual developer. But he wants no credit for this development. This was a side project. It is our understanding that this researcher also did a research on combs. He mated a Green Jungle Fowl with birds of various comb types just to see what he would get. It is also our understanding that we are all free to do with these whatever we wish.

We did set all eggs on hand on Monday. Should know in a few days when we candle if the eggs are fertile.
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