Blue Egg Layers from University of Arkansas

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The following have at least a pair of these.





heritagehabitatfarms also discovered a breeder of these in north central Arkansas. One of her extra cockerels is now at caj1985 farm.

That makes five breeders. That is enough to work towards a Standard. Even if application for admittance is 10 years away.

We do appreciate the constructive input on this thread. Just please keep in compliance with the BYC rules.

Wow. These last few pages have been fairly painful to read through.

I don't think it's a "hot" new breed. Not yet. It's nowhere near a "breed" and won't be for some time. However, it is something that was made to produce large amounts of an egg that is desirable. It was bred for this and therefore is not an ornamental (Ameraucana, Araucana) breed.

I look forward with providing whatever knowledge I can, but fear I will not be able to keep up with nicalandia. I look forward to learning several things about color genetics from this!

Good luck everyone and please keep us updated!
I don't think it's a "hot" new breed. Not yet. It's nowhere near a "breed" and won't be for some time. However, it is something that was made to produce large amounts of an egg that is desirable. It was bred for this and therefore is not an ornamental (Ameraucana, Araucana) breed.

Just a question, if you did try and get this new breed recognized, what class would it be in? American or AOSB?
I would guess AOSB... Second thought, no clue, The American breeds are Dual Purpose breeds, whereas the AOSB breeds are more Ornamental breeds (anymore). These birds are solely bred for egg production.
Just a question, if you did try and get this new breed recognized, what class would it be in? American or AOSB?
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Just a question, if you did try and get this new breed recognized, what class would it be in? American or AOSB?

I would guess AOSB... Second thought, no clue, The American breeds are Dual Purpose breeds, whereas the AOSB breeds are more Ornamental breeds (anymore). These birds are solely bred for egg production.
Not all breeds in AOSB are ornamental! Take the Naked Neck for example

Seriously, the AOSB is divided into Games, Orientals and Miscellaneous. The Misc has Sultans, Naked Necks
, Araucanas and Ameraucanas. My best guess is any new breed that lays a blue egg would fall into the Misc. The Standards Committee would decide anyway. Anything else would be speculation.

It would be advisable for the breeders of this to swap eggs at least every 2 years to keep the type etc as close as similiar as possible. A good example would be the Marans. So many of the Marans were so different. Some had clean shanks and others feathered. Feathered shanks won out.

Most of these breeders are within driving distance of Little Rock. I would suggest 2 meets a year, both at the Arkansas State Fair. They would be judged against each other for type, production etc. The judges, with Dr. Bramwell, could critique our birds to make certain we are on track with each other. An egg show would also be appropriate so we all keep the same shade of blue.

Tropical Storm Isaac hit us early this morning. Lots of rain! Still got a beautiful BLUE egg today!
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