Blue egg laying barred EE?


8 Years
Sep 28, 2015
So I'm wanting to create a blue egg laying barred easter egger. I understand what I produce will not ever be considered an ameraucana because the barring gene makes slate legs impossible. I don't want to buy more birds for this project so I'd like to use the breeds I have on hand. I have black, blue, and splash ameraucanas (both male and female), I also have CA Grey (females only), 1 female barred rock, and several single barred ameraucana barred rock cross males. I was originally planning to use my cross males over my black and blue ameraucana females for this project but would it be easier to use the black ameraucana male over the CA Greys? With either of these crosses I get barred offspring but is it easier to select for egg color from either cross? I am aiming for blue, not green or mint.
Miranda Priestly.gif

I've been summoned, but I'm afraid I won't be much help on this one. There are for all general purposes (bar slate legs) Barred, Cuckoo, and Crele Ameraucana in existence already. It might be easier to find a breeder to ship you eggs.

If you're just wanting to go for a fun backyard science experiment why not do both crosses and see what you get?

If I was going for Blue Barred, personally, I'd find Barred (or Cuckoo) Ameraucana and cross them onto your Blue Ameraucana hens.
If you want blue eggs only not green I'd stay far away from anything that lays brown eggs. Lots of genes can be involved with brown eggs so it's hard to later breed them out.
In other words use the CGs and stay away from BRs and BR crosses.
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I've been summoned, but I'm afraid I won't be much help on this one. There are for all general purposes (bar slate legs) Barred, Cuckoo, and Crele Ameraucana in existence already. It might be easier to find a breeder to ship you eggs.

If you're just wanting to go for a fun backyard science experiment why not do both crosses and see what you get?

If I was going for Blue Barred, personally, I'd find Barred (or Cuckoo) Ameraucana and cross them onto your Blue Ameraucana hens.
I've checked ebay and my local craigslist and haven't had any luck finding someone selling.
If you want blue eggs only not green I'd stay far away from anything that lays brown eggs. Lots of genes can be involved with brown eggs so it's hard to later breed them out.
In other words use the CGs and stay away from BRs and BR crosses.
That's what I've heard. So far I'm pleased with the CA Greys (this is my first year with them) and with their relatively early lay and small feed consumption they seem like a good starting point. The Barred rocks and their crosses are definitely friendlier and make a better table bird but females take longer to develop.
If you want blue eggs only not green I'd stay far away from anything that lays brown eggs. Lots of genes can be involved with brown eggs so it's hard to later breed them out.
In other words use the CGs and stay away from BRs and BR crosses.
That makes a lot of sense. I wasn't even thinking about the brown eggs. When you said Easter Egger I assumed you weren't caring about green eggs.
I've checked ebay and my local craigslist and haven't had any luck finding someone selling.
Where are you located? I know there are some people in Texas. A friend was going to get some from a breeder around Dallas at one time I think. I could check with him. Would you care if the eggs were shipped?
my "barred rock" lays green eggs
I'm thinking she must be some new fangled hatchery hybrid business then. @Overo Mare Might remember all the new trendy Blue Prairie Rainbow Legbar Bell Majesty Midnight business. I can't keep up with it.

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