Blue Gold Splash Partridge Brahma, Crested Cream Legbar, White Faced Spanish, Serama/frizzle

adding to Rachel about pricing, I am trying to work on a website and we are working on details on the shipments, since most cant afford a ton of brahma chicks it will bring issues of a min. for shipment :( we may do some sorta mixed package deal to help with the heat issues with shipping, trouble is I dont have any really cheap breeds to hatch along with them I only have rares, and my young daughters serama wont do much help with warmth! I am researching another breed for just this, warmth and extras in boxes, I havent figured out what breed to do yet! nor do I have a xtra breeding pen until spring!

suggestions are welcome! I wish I would have kept our cochins now! nice big fluffy warm chicks!
Thats exactly what I was going to say is Cochin. They are so nice and fluffy. And not to terribly expensive. I would love to get both breeds and getting them both from the same place would be a bonus.
My splash ummm Not so baby Cockeral at 6 months! he already towers his papas!

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Meet "Butter" I am praying its a girl! lol so stinkin cute, Tiny baby serama LOVE We hatched 10 frizzled & 18 straights! Great frizzle ratio for our girls!


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