Blue/Gray Large Fowl Cochin

A single generation of splash X splash breeding is unlikely to bleach out the colouring of splash. A few years ago George M. was very unhappy with the overly dark blue results of breeding splash to his blues and blacks. My understanding of the colour is that the shade of blue, be it blue or splash, is quite variable, and not necessarily something that you can easily breed for. I don't understand enough about the cellular workings to understand WHY. At least a couple of breeders of blacks do not like to mix their blacks with blues or splash, and therefore will not; they feel that the resulting black chicks do not have the same depth of colour as black X black breeding.

Many silkie breeders mix the three colours in one pen; some separate the colours into various pairings, depending on the outcome variety desired. My palest splash came from a splash X blue breeding; the splash cock was fairly dark; the blue was extremely dark (difficult to distinguish from black). Poole was a pale silver, and never developed any dark splashes--she did have several light slate splashes.
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With Cochins, one of the things that could be disasterous to a Black line is to use Blacks out of a Blue mating. It throws the Black color out of whack and you'll get a lot of red in the hackles and lose that nice beetle green sheen so I can see why Silkie breeders would shy away from using Blacks out of a Blue breeding program.

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