Blue heeler/ Basset pups


In the Brooder
11 Years
Apr 29, 2008
I am posting this for a friend, she has Blue heeler and basset mix puppies that need good homes, small adoption fee of $25. to ensure good homes. Please contact via PM..


**edited to remove phone number**
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OMG!!!! THose have got to be the cutest darned puppies ever, I would call the Hassets and sell them as designer pups!
Oh my goodness!!!

We just adopted a rescue dog on Friday.... if I knew earlier I would have so been there!!!
Oh they are precious and absolutely adorable. Wished I was still in NC...I would snatch up two of them.
Come on everyone you can have just 1 more pup.. LOL.. Wish I could have one, they are just so darn cute.. They look like they will have basset hound bodies complete with the hound ears and Blue heeler colors. I will try and get more pics of them sometime this week..
No trend, this was and accidental breeding.. Hopefully owner will get momma spayed.. The lady that has the pups is the owner's mom.. Son is the irresponsible one..
Hmmm. My oldest daughter is now living in South Carolina out in the country and wants a dog. Will pm you with her e-mail, doesnt hurt to ask.

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