Blue Jersey Giant Rooster


Mar 5, 2018
Hello everyone. Looking for a little advice from some of you. I can't seem to find out what a Blue Jersey Giant Rooster like this one sells for. I found eggs but not a full grown rooster. All help will be appreciate it...ball park figure is good.

If you can get more for him than a chicken dinner, you will be doing well. Not saying he isn't handsome, but just that surplus cockerels are pretty much worthless apart from the meat on them.
I was offered 40 locally but it is my understanding that they are hard to come by... IDK, that is what I heard so just checking on opinions...
I've seen some BJG Roosters (black, splash, blue) listed for sale, but the website I'm thinking of specifically says it cannot be mentioned in any kind of social media. So, the next best things is to look at this link:
My guess is that you might find some information on breeders and those breeders may have websites/fb pages and they may sell these birds. From there you might be able to figure out a fair price for what you have based on genetics, age, etc.

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