Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

I have several blue laced red wyandottes and 3 have turn out to be roo's. We are having an issue with them killing the smaller hens. Are the roo's usually this aggressive?
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My Wyandottes are pretty mellow....
Hatchery or breeder?

I agree with you Scott. Mine are sweeties.


I have several blue laced red wyandottes and 3 have turn out to be roo's. We are having an issue with them killing the smaller hens. Are the roo's usually this aggressive?

not in my experience... I've got 3 blrw roos free ranging with an assortment of LF and bantam girls and other roos, everyone is peaceful.
Can I join for some help? I'm super paranoid now about my girls. They are 8 weeks old. I can't have a roo but my friend who bought from the same breeder just got a roo and I'm freaking out. My two girls are very different in size, is that an indicator? Same age but one is like 50% bigger and has been since pretty much the very beginning. The smaller one also has a very upright tail. The "saddle" feathers are still rounded, not pointy that I can tell. Ignore the red one, she's sex linked and I know she's a she :)

I've been checking and reading everything I can but I still suck at this!

Thanks in advance :)

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