Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

PeakyBeaky! First sensible answer all day from this thread. Her body feathers are bluish gray silver and her hackles or lacing appear goldish rust. You say this is the blue shades connection? A first for me to see it. Looks nothing like the SOP of a BLRW. Thanks!
they are babies, who haven't developed their mature pattern, but some may not develop it as well as others. at that age there's no guarantee. but if the outer edge is blue and the red is in the center of the feather, that IS a blue laced red.

if the lacing isn't great, then chances are the mutations required aren't all homozygous, resulting in what's known as 'incomplete' lacing. that has nothing to do with the colors required to be blr, that's simply the genetics for lacing itself.

these are incompletely laced silver laced bantam cochins, as an example of the incomplete genetics...

and their full sister from the same parents...
This Easter Egger appears to be a red/gold laced blue, which is interesting because I was doing more reading and the various sites I found indicated this color wasn't possible. Not just in Wyandottes, but in any chicken. Sure looks like it might be though.

The chest looks like just red/gold feathers though, anyone have any ideas on the possible genetics here? Is it really red/gold laced blue (splash?) or is there something else going on that just gives it this appearance?

The original thread is at
Mine are only 9 weeks old in these pics.






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