Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

I'm not too familiar with the wyandotte breed. I got some eggs to hatch that came from SLW parents, is it possible to get some other pattern with this breeding? Here's a picture. Three in a row across the middle of the picture. One also hatched out with a dark mahogany color down and orange beak. Any help or suggestions would be great.
Please be gentle lol
SLW do have some brown on them...don't worry.
I'm not too familiar with the wyandotte breed. I got some eggs to hatch that came from SLW parents, is it possible to get some other pattern with this breeding? Here's a picture. Three in a row across the middle of the picture. One also hatched out with a dark mahogany color down and orange beak. Any help or suggestions would be great.
Please be gentle lol

Most people post adult pictures (which are great, don't stop doing that guys!) But I'd really like to see baby pictures lol. I thought SL hatched out black and white? Or do you mean that may be the little mahogany check I have?
give me a second and I will post some new slw hatchlings..yours look the same to me..

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all of the laced varieties IMO hatch out with a bit of patterning around their face... your mahogany one, if it came with the silver laced eggs, may be another variety/breed. I'd check with the breeder and see what else they raise. it's not difficult to mix up eggs from one pen to another accidentally...

I had the UGLIEST SFH hatch out 2 months ago. was slightly shrink wrapped so I helped it out. when this little solid black blob fell out of the shell into my hand I nearly dropped it! to soothe it's feelings, we're telling everyone that it's really a black silkie, but it's still one of the ugliest SFH I've ever hatched! hehe we call her the PFH... (pseudo flower hen)




in this bottom pic, you can see the patterning on the face that I'm referring to, on the chick to the right of the PFH... that's one of my more recent blrw chicks.
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Here's a picture where you can better see the color. Darker than I was expecting. I really like it.

This is what my BLRW looked like as chicks.

Here's a pic of a few of my little guys. Any ideas what the white chick is? I'm thinking Delaware.
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Hi everyone! Im hoping that you all can look at my pictures and tell me where I'm wrong. I got a black laced red roo from a gal on here to cover my blue splash hen in the belief that I would get 100% blue laced babies. So below are pictures of my hen, my rooster and the one chick that I got a couple weeks ago. I have hatched a couple more since then and have gotten various colors. So now, I'm confused as to whether I have my genetics all screwy somewhere?

Are you sure that's not a Gold Laced Wyandotte? That could throw off your colors. I'm not very good at telling the gold from the black yet so I can't really be sure.

ETA: The rooster I mean, not the hen.
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