Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

here are some pictures of my chicks when they were 5 weeks old, best I could find for color comparisons:

Black male - Blue female

Black male - Blue female - Splash male - Blue male

Blue female - Black male - Splash female

sometimes the blue looks "really dark, almost black?" when you don't have a Black to compare against. the Black comes out very very dark, shiny, with tinges of green in it. can't mistake it.
Thank you so much for all the photo comparisons. Looks like all the ones I tossed away last year for being ignorant of the breed. Looks like I do have a few blues in there as their fluff by butt and legs is the grayish color and I know their are some blacks and 3 splashes. I knew about the shiny black with green sheen as I did keep one black laced roo until I give it away to a guy that just wanted a roo for his ladies.

My small flock is all Foley stock now. Delisha knows more about where 2 of my pullets and the roo as she hatched them I believe.
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do blue laced wyandottes breed true?

No, they are Blue/Black/Splash (BBS) meaning they have a % chance to throw all 3 colors depending on how you breed them:

Blue X Blue = 50% Blue . 25% Black , 25% Splash
Blue X Splash = 50% Blue , 50% Splash
Blue X Black = 50% Blue, 50% Black
Splash X Black = 100% Blue
Black X Black = 100% Black

I have a question about my splash chicks. They all have a really nice blue color. Is this going to turn white as they get older? I really hope not. I'll try and get some pictures this evening when my husband gets back with the camera if I can for better reference.

some splash come out looking light grey, and some look white. I think it has to do with their genetic line and how they have been bred..

"splash" is supposed to mean white with splashes of grey/black throughout.
usually hens just look white, roosters look white with dots of grey and black in their long tail feathers as far as I know

Male? Almost 4 wk old BLRW and first and only with pink comb....went pink several days ago. Largest in group as well....
has to be a cockerel, turning pink that early.
watch the feathers that start growing in on his back. closer to the down under the wings. they will start coming in pointed and shiny right there (saddle feathers) and that's how you'll know for sure. the hens will have rounded dull feathers.
Thank you so much for all the photo comparisons. Looks like all the ones I tossed away last year for being ignorant of the breed. Looks like I do have a few blues in there as their fluff by butt and legs is the grayish color and I know their are some blacks and 3 splashes. I knew about the shiny black with green sheen as I did keep one black laced roo until I give it away to a guy that just wanted a roo for his ladies.

My small flock is all Foley stock now. Delisha knows more about where 2 of my pullets and the roo as she hatched them I believe.

very cool, I cannot wait to see them grow up :) mine are foley too, 100%. I noticed one of yours had a lot of red in the chest (chick #1), will be interested to see how that one feathers out
very cool, I cannot wait to see them grow up :) mine are foley too, 100%. I noticed one of yours had a lot of red in the chest (chick #1), will be interested to see how that one feathers out
I was wondering the same thing, it is a little darker than the photo is showing from the flash but still lighter than I expected as my pullets are all mahogony. My first Foley pullet that isn't from Delisha is the darkest of the bunch, she's my avatar. She was only 9 months in that photo. I think I read somewhere they darken as they get older and I sure hope so. I'm really banking on getting some nice chicks out of my new flock I have.
Here is the black laced I hatched last year and give away.

His coloring is way too light but had fairly decent lacing compared to a guy that is selling around here. I've definitely seen worse. Looks like a gold laced dotte to me. I'm not sure how he turned out either but I'm sure the guy will be back around this year for more chickens and I'll have to check in on him. The hen I had been using was very light and not good quality, thats why I got different ones.
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whoa! he does look like a GLW. this was a black BLRW you say? he is handsome.
any chance a secret GLW got in the pen to produce this guy?
Not a chance, the only birds in the coop are my BLRW and my Blue Wheaton Americaunas. My original hen is that light but I wanted them so bad I overlooked the faults. I can say that if you are intending on breeding these it's better to spend the money the first time and get good quality than waste it on the lesser. I learned the hard way. Now I'm just waiting on my chicks to feather out so I know what I'm dealing with. I intend on selling chicks if they are producing nicely, if not, I guess I'll be back to looking for more.

Here is my very first hen, very bad quality. She's still pretty and friendly, using her for eating eggs and one of her chicks that's blue laced. Just poor representation of the breed as far as color.

loving my birdies!! What do you all think?

I love the lacing on this bird..I can't see type since she is squatting. Love her color..I would love to see type..

I have a question about my splash chicks. They all have a really nice blue color. Is this going to turn white as they get older? I really hope not. I'll try and get some pictures this evening when my husband gets back with the camera if I can for better reference.
If they are blue...they are blue. It will not wash out to a white.
The blue comes in many shades of blue and *slate blue* is ideal.

I have one little pullet but she has a single comb ... how hard is it to breed the single comb out I really like her lacing
Almost impossible to breed out...With so many BLRW all over it is not worth it to breed it into your lines..

Quote: Those I did not hatch. I bought them from Max. He gt his stock directly from Jerry.
I'm not too familiar with the wyandotte breed. I got some eggs to hatch that came from SLW parents, is it possible to get some other pattern with this breeding? Here's a picture. Three in a row across the middle of the picture. One also hatched out with a dark mahogany color down and orange beak. Any help or suggestions would be great.

Please be gentle lol

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