Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

Thank you for that! We do provide free choice oister shells. But I had no idea scratch mcould do that! We give scratch about once a week for a treat. I mix it with boss. I think I may switch that treat day to just boss :)[/
I was referring to @briansdogs eggbinding problem . Low calcium levels lead to soft spots on eggs and they get caught up in the system and cause eggbinding and or peritonitis . But equally happy that you got something from the article as well :)
Thank you for that! We do provide free choice oister shells. But I had no idea scratch mcould do that! We give scratch about once a week for a treat. I mix it with boss. I think I may switch that treat day to just boss :)[/
I was referring to @briansdogs eggbinding problem . Low calcium levels lead to soft spots on eggs and they get caught up in the system and cause eggbinding and or peritonitis . But equally happy that you got something from the article as well :)

Thanks to both of you for the info.
a photo I snapped yesterday of the wind picking up this pretty blue pullet's "dress"

Updated the babies brooder, I know it's nothing fancy to start with but I hate the gravity feeder , so low and once they poop in it i consider all contaminated... Not sure if this is a good fix but easy to dump and clean if needed and I think they are clever enough not to drown now. - will take it out when using it for newborns. Also put a perch or "roost" in but they don't know what to do with it yet. Wing feathers coming on well at 1 week 2 days old :)
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So I bought 15 BLRW from Murray McMurrey (dont hammer me to bad on this) and i split them with a friend. I dont know what type of BLRW, not black and I assume splash. I have 8 and it looks like 3 hens and 5 roos but still hard for me to tell, can you all help a little. they are my 1st BLRW. They look different, some a little darker, some more brown and a couple (hens maybe) much more blue.
The roos will either be sold on craigslist or in the freezer by Nov....if they are large enough.
Any comments at all would be great.

not sure here, left one has much more red on comb, other more pale.

should be hen in back and roo...maybe hen in front?

i think there are 2 hens in back 2 roos in front...?

i think i have 2 roos here and the right one is beautiful, little smaller than the others i think r roos but very friendly and darker in color.

any input at all would be great.

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