Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

THANK YOU! I suppose I could keep the splash as long as I have a blue roo? But may be best just to keep the blues and move the splashes to my eating egg pen. I am still going to give it some time, as they are only now nearing 3 months. And of course pics so everyone can tell me what they think. LOL! Thanks again!
At what age do your BLRW roos start getting classic rooster feathers? I have a chick, 10 weeks old, that has me confused. It has an straight comb instead of rose, so has always looked a little more mature, and some fairly thick legs. But no rooster type feathers yet, and the hackles feathers are still round. No crowing, or typical type rooster behavior. I had two other roos in this hatch (different breeds) that I already rehomed b/c they were obviously boys from comb and behavior. I have two BLRWs from the this hatch, and both of them are bigger than my other chicks and seem to be maturing a little faster, but I know one of them is a pullet. Should I just give it more time and wait for a crow to be sure? I don't want to get rid of "him" if it is in fact a pullet, but I'm just not sure.
THANK YOU! I suppose I could keep the splash as long as I have a blue roo? But may be best just to keep the blues and move the splashes to my eating egg pen. I am still going to give it some time, as they are only now nearing 3 months. And of course pics so everyone can tell me what they think. LOL! Thanks again!

If you breed blue to splash, you'll get 50% blue, 50% splash. What I've heard is like the previous poster said, to maintain the best color breed blue to blue, knowing the percentages will remain the same, offspring will be 50% blue, 25% black, 25% splash. That's what they mean by blue not breeding true. The only way to get blue every time is to breed black to splash, but that's not the best way to improve or maintain the color, or so I hear. Haha I've never yet done it, just having flashbacks of college genetics class ;-)
Read the associated section on
It's a huge help.
Best of luck!
So, a while ago I posted four chicks that were all supposed to be BLRW. I ended up with one pullet BLRW (the other were SLRW). Thought I'd share...she's from around April. So And while this one ended up with blue legs and a beard (EE) I am keeping her as she's quite pretty. Her beard is growing in even more from these pictures of a few weeks ago.
I HAVE ONE LIKE THAT!!!!! She's so friendly
THANK YOU! You guys are great help! I have a feeling this isn't the best stock, but i have been having the WORST luck with shipped eggs, and couldn't find anything anywhere. So when these came about, I JUMPED. LOL! Won't be the first time I started from the ground up. LOL!
THANK YOU! You guys are great help! I have a feeling this isn't the best stock, but i have been having the WORST luck with shipped eggs, and couldn't find anything anywhere. So when these came about, I JUMPED. LOL! Won't be the first time I started from the ground up. LOL!
YW. That's awesome! :) I can't wait until we get set up and I can get more of these and more colors. I love my Wyandottes but only have a few hens right now and haven't located anyone locally to buy from. They have the cutest temperament and I love their body type. I may get an incubator for myself for my birthday lol
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