Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

These are two pictures of my 5 week old BLRW from Meyer Hatchery. For a while I thought she was looking like she was going to be black laced, but now the feathers are looking a bit blue in some areas. I thought I'd see what people with more experience with this breed thought her coloration was going to turn out like? Thanks for any opinions!
They change as they molt as they get older. I think she's going to look so much better when she's an adult.

Growing up my two roos both looked good. The one on the button left looked like he wasn't going to be my breeder. Now the other one has too much orange on him, so hes not gonna be in the breeding. They change so much.

Here is my new roo I picked up, not as good as my Foley one but it was the only thing I could find in such a short notice. I hope to find a better one in time as I have posted all over and no replies so far. He's not as brassy as the photos make him look due to the camera flash but he's still a bit more than I'd like him besides his comb is not nice either. I also have a few of my stock that I am growing out to see how they will look but they are only a few months old and too early to tell.
Hello, I'm new to this RLBW thread and this question has been buggin me. Why are these two both called blue laced?

All colors from blue laced reds are called that. The top one is a splash cockerel and the bottom is a blue cockerel. They come in black too. They are just like any Blue breeding.

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