Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

I keep mostly blues but last year I had more blacks so I also grew out a nice dark splash cockerel. He is over a blue and black BLRW. I sold ALL my splash the first year I had them as I only wanted to work with blues but that was a HUGE mistake with the few breeders I had. Now I sell the black and only a few of the other colors.
I'm sure the answer is obvious, but I have to ask. Why was that a big mistake?
Some new pics of my BLRW's :) I am excited to start getting eggs from the pullet but don't expect her to start in the middle of winter. I think they were 19 weeks here, 23 weeks now.

Cockerel #1

Cockerel #1 with pullet

Pullet, I love her! Hoping the red gets a bit darker with age. She looks more brassy here than she really is, these were shortly after sunrise.

This is more accurate color.

Cockerel #1 w/ pullet

Cockerel #2 he was a slow featherer so is not as mature looking as cockerel #1, however I really really like his darker blue and deeper reds and he is my favorite at this time.

Cockerels #1 and #2

Close up of lacing coming in on cockerel #2

I also have a splash (seen) and black laced 10mo old pullets.
I love them Katie, I really would love to know why the one came out so light as all of my parent stock is very dark mahogany. Heather had one come out light also. I currently have 1 Splash and 2 black chicks growing out but they are all looking like cockerels. One of the BLRW pullets just started laying so it won't be long before the rest start too. I did set one egg yesterday along with a few Iowa Blues and will be setting all eggs from here on out to grow them out during the winter. Any pullets that hatch are first dibs to you and Heather!
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Because it cut the number of birds I had to pick from way down. Put me further behind. I hatched more splash than blues.
Is that because of the genetics of the parent stock? I hatched way more blues than anything this last year. I'd get splash and blacks but averaged out with more blues than any. I have only bred blue to blue also.
No because they are not the best layers and as soon as I sold the splash I didn't get any more eggs for months. Everyone wants them and I usually don't end up with enough to breed forward. I think I only had 3 hens.... now I have 4 so not much better.
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No because they are not the best layers and as soon as I sold the splash I didn't get any more eggs for months. Everyone wants them and I usually don't end up with enough to breed forward. I think I only had 3 hens.... now I have 4 so not much better.
Oh ok. I didn't keep any of my chicks to breed. I did buy new stock though and currently have 5 pullets and 1 cock.

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