Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

My sweet blue lace reds are around 6 weeks old. I have 10 blue lace red, and 2 that are blue lace gold lace cross. One of the crosses has such as unusual comb. I will post pictures to see what you think. At this age what are my odds of discerning gender? What are some easy tells? I've been trying to notice tail length and comb color....any other tips? Will add some pics of our blues and our mixes. New to the breed but so in love!







Love the pictures! I am not much help at sexing yet :) But my guess is roo on the second pic. Hen on pic 3 and 4 but don't hold me too it I am new at it.
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last picture roo in front and hen on the rail.... cant tell on the others next one up hen on the left and roo on the right, next one of Hen... next one up the black one in back is a roo... the others look like hens compaired to them, but could go either way at this age....the next one up could be either (some of my girls color up some and then do nothing, it is not a bright red and still seems small, but who knows) the next one up looks like a boy and the first pict the black one looks like a boy and the other it could go either way sitll :)
Thanks so much for the help! This is my first time with the breed, and it has been going well so far! They are sweet very well mannered birds! Will post mire pictures as they age. Especially if I'm still having s hard time with gender! :)
These are my newest BLR babes, Cupcake (splash) & Brownie (blue). Foley's line. Brownie is a cockerel, fingers crossed for Cupcake to be a pullet!

Just waiting for them to grow up and feather out.......
......... they're 3 weeks old

one of my little ones have it's first feathers very different to the other 2, like longer, you think this is for gender??

here is a pic


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