Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

Sry everyone i have a question without pics. i need to work on my camera laptop situation and get some pics soon.

i Cant remember how long back it was but i remember someone thought they had a black laced red and as an adult they said it turned into more of a blue laced red. The guy i got mine from said he doesn't get splash or blacks they all come out blue. And that the lighter ones get darker and the darker ones will get lighter. Well right away i thought this guy doesn't know what hes talking about and i was unsure but got some anyways. Hes a local breeder and has sooo many types of chickens I got 6 from him just to see. Only 2 of them I'm really excited about. A really nice blue who has dark red, and a splash that is light in the red but very much a nice splash.

Its the splash I'm asking about. I'm noticing that the new chest feathers coming in at about 8-10 wks old have blue lacing, has anyone had BLRW turn colors like this guy said with the lights turning darker and the darker ones turning lighter. and has anyone had the crele look where the feathers look splash but have a thin blue lacing around the edges. Red to white with a thin blue lacing around the edges of the white.
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Sry everyone i have a question without pics. i need to work on my camera laptop situation and get some pics soon.

i Cant remember how long back it was but i remember someone thought they had a black laced red and as an adult they said it turned into more of a blue laced red. The guy i got mine from said he doesn't get splash or blacks they all come out blue. And that the lighter ones get darker and the darker ones will get lighter. Well right away i thought this guy doesn't know what hes talking about and i was unsure but got some anyways. Hes a local breeder and has sooo many types of chickens I got 6 from him just to see. Only 2 of them I'm really excited about. A really nice blue who has dark red, and a splash that is light in the red but very much a nice splash.

Its the splash I'm asking about. I'm noticing that the new chest feathers coming in at about 8-10 wks old have blue lacing, has anyone had BLRW turn colors like this guy said with the lights turning darker and the darker ones turning lighter. and has anyone had the crele look where the feathers look splash but have a thin blue lacing around the edges. Red to white with a thin blue lacing around the edges of the white.
well, first off, crele is barring not lacing, on a bbr colored bird...

it is possible to get 100% blues, when you breed a black laced to a splash laced. and in solid blue birds, they are SUPPOSED to have a darker edge to the lighter center. that's just the nature of the blue gene. it has nothing to do with lacing.

below is a pic of a crele oegb i had last year, and my bantam blrw who shows that darker edged lacing (and is truly blue).

a splash laced, you might get some splashes of dark pigment among the pale blue to white lacing but it wouldn't be a nice regular pattern.

here are the 2 crele roos. the one on the right had better coloration and type, with dubbed comb. all of my oegb had horrible attitude problems when free ranging (attacking people) so i got rid of them all.

here's smee, my bantam blrw roo.

with a close-up of the darker edging on his breast feathers
well, first off, crele is barring not lacing, on a bbr colored bird...

it is possible to get 100% blues, when you breed a black laced to a splash laced. and in solid blue birds, that's just the nature of the blue gene. it has nothing to do with lacing.they are SUPPOSED to have a darker edge to the lighter center.

below is a pic of a crele oegb i had last year, and my bantam blrw who shows that darker edged lacing (and is truly blue).

a splash laced, you might get some splashes of dark pigment among the pale blue to white lacing but it wouldn't be a nice regular pattern.

here are the 2 crele roos. the one on the right had better coloration and type, with dubbed comb. all of my oegb had horrible attitude problems when free ranging (attacking people) so i got rid of them all.

here's smee, my bantam blrw roo.

with a close-up of the darker edging on his breast feathers

Lol i guess i should have planned for such response.
its a nice regular patter just like on your roo pictured last. SOOOOO
, i said crele laced
because crele usually means 3 colors just like on your roo there is in fact three colors and on this crele polish below which is what i pictured in my mind when i said crele laced
. you can see that this crele pattern does look allot like your roos chest feathers except the laced
edges on your roo arnt as thick as these they have a much thinner lacing
anyway on all the pictures posted of splash BLRW i don't see that thin laced
edges of darker color like on your roo. Maybe the pics arnt as close up so i don't notice
or maybe the splash just don't normally get that edging

(which by the way the BLRW wouldn't be called THE blue LACED
red wayandotte unless it haaaddd'ddd a little something to do with lacing..
."it has nothing to do with lacing
.they are SUPPOSED to have a darker edge to the lighter center" UHHHHHHH
a feather with one color in the middle and another color around the edges is called LACED
or you could say the blue is LACING
the white and the white is LACING
the red in my Splash laced
red wayandotte. Or the Blue is lacing
your red and its laced
by some black or blue of which i cant tell on your roo
pictured below.
SO anyway lol. The chest feathers look like these on an all white and red splash chick otherwise. hmmm
. do the splash normally get this too and i just cant tell in the pictures of them in this thread.

So what exactly are you showing us? I'm sorry but I couldn't follow any of your last post.
lol its pretty simple i had to explain why i had said crele laced in my original post. If you read back a few post you will see how Ki4got thought me a huge lesson because i used the wrong words in my question. Soooo if you were following my post i had said here is a crele laced polish pictured below, simply just to show what i was thinking about when i asked my original question. . And then at the end of my post i very clearly state what exactly I'm wanting to know , the ki4got posted a pic of her blrw that has the thin dark lacing around the edge of the feathers on its chest. DO THE SPLASH ALSO GET THIS TOO AND I JUST CANT TELL on all the pictures people post of them.

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