Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

I bought what was suppose to be a BLRW from some breeders. One was a splash and the other was suppose to be BLR. Well the little Blue one is growing out bluish feathers on its chest, but there is no color in them. Do they sometimes do that or until more feathers come in or did I get "Had" yet again!!!!!! The chick is almost a month old. I have had the worst luck with Wyandottes! And to top that off, the splash may be a roo! It is just too nice to be a pullet....LOL. I did every "sex trick" when picking this splash out. It had most of its wing feathers before the others, It 'feather sexed' female, it has a really small comb....but wow, she stands like a he!

This is the splash at about 2 1/2 weeks old. I didn't realize how much it has grown since this photo!! Any ideas?
Update photo on my lil BLRW! Well, one of them anyway-mama won't let me near the other
. Now four weeks old...



Is this fairly appropriate color and lacing for this age? Also wondering if this will end up being a roo-note the pinking up wattles
Is this the same one you posted awhile back that I said was going to have poor lacing??
Quote: That is too young to chicks are 3 months old and I am not positive on a few of them. Some you can tell right away...others you can't.
Feather sexing simply is a guess. You have to feather guess at two three days old. No one can agree on that either. If it lays an egg..its a girl!!
I bought what was suppose to be a BLRW from some breeders. One was a splash and the other was suppose to be BLR. Well the little Blue one is growing out bluish feathers on its chest, but there is no color in them. Do they sometimes do that or until more feathers come in or did I get "Had" yet again!!!!!! The chick is almost a month old. I have had the worst luck with Wyandottes! And to top that off, the splash may be a roo! It is just too nice to be a pullet....LOL. I did every "sex trick" when picking this splash out. It had most of its wing feathers before the others, It 'feather sexed' female, it has a really small comb....but wow, she stands like a he!

This is the splash at about 2 1/2 weeks old. I didn't realize how much it has grown since this photo!! Any ideas?
Splash is BLRW , and it has two other colors..Blue and Black.

it is too early to tell sex from me, but I am right 50% of the time.
If I was forced at gun point to guess that sex from this photo I would guess would not be a fair guess..the chick is too young. The legs look female, the posture looks female, the head and comb male.
Quote: You need more time. They will change colors and feathers a few more times. Post a picture in two months. I must say I have never seen a chick marked quite like this chick. I have had feathers come in like that and turn into beautiful lacing...patience. I am actually interested on how this little one is going to feather out with such unusual markings.

I posted a picture a while back of a chick with lacing like that..My chicks lacing is really coming in nice.
I bought what was suppose to be a BLRW from some breeders. One was a splash and the other was suppose to be BLR. Well the little Blue one is growing out bluish feathers on its chest, but there is no color in them. Do they sometimes do that or until more feathers come in or did I get "Had" yet again!!!!!! The chick is almost a month old. I have had the worst luck with Wyandottes! And to top that off, the splash may be a roo! It is just too nice to be a pullet....LOL. I did every "sex trick" when picking this splash out. It had most of its wing feathers before the others, It 'feather sexed' female, it has a really small comb....but wow, she stands like a he!

This is the splash at about 2 1/2 weeks old. I didn't realize how much it has grown since this photo!! Any ideas?
You need more eggs from me. ;) How is my slow feathering grandson getting on?
I'm surprised that this chicks markings are so unusual. I have two that were marked identical as hatchlings. The other is looking to be a black though. Crossing my fingers it's just a dark dark blue because I'm afraid the chick I've pictured above is a roo and I'm in this for a great hen!
You need more eggs from me. ;) How is my slow feathering grandson getting on?

My little guy still has a lot of baby fuzz! I will try to get new photos. Yea I was trying to get him some nice females but that's not looking good. If I decide to hatch eggs again soon I will get them from you again! You have beautiful birds. Right now I have a full house in the Brooder with eggs from dmrippy and some replacement salmon favorelles from FL. Also a few lemon orphingtons, and Cochin mixes from a friend.

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