Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

so splash would be the white lacing? and then the light blue would be considered a blue or a dark splash?
i know the 3 colors, but sometimes those lines are fuzzy, and you get light blue, darker blue, light black. ....
no, pretty much you have splash, blue can be light or dark, and black is black. there is no 'shades of black'
A new pic of my pretty girl She's really growing
15 weeks old
She is really growing nicely! Very pretty body is her color too..I love the blacks! I love the back of her head..I wanna see more pictures!! She looks nice and wide too.
Ok here is an other picture of the chick I'm hoping is not black. I already have a black one, which I was also hoping wasn't black lol.
Looks like a blue
And here is my first BLRW around 4 months old now.
Yes, a black.What is wrong with black? I love black!!

Originally Posted by mhamilton

so splash would be the white lacing? and then the light blue would be considered a blue or a dark splash?
i know the 3 colors, but sometimes those lines are fuzzy, and you get light blue, darker blue, light black. ....
no, pretty much you have splash, blue can be light or dark, and black is black. there is no 'shades of black'

This additional information might help was 70 here today..a bit chilly compared to your weather. I would not be able to have birds in that kind of could not get me out of the house. I cry if it gets into the 90's. I fill wadding pools for the birds because the snow is all gone for them and I feel bad for them.
Please do not take pictures in that type of heat..I would worry for you..ugh.
The most important thing is body structure. You can work on color with other colors. Splash to a black..etc
If the body style and structure has too many faults it should not be used for breeding no matter what color. Build the house first..than work on the window treatments.
So far your dark chick looks pretty good. It will be nice to watch his development.
At about what age does the body type start to show ?? All my chicks ( about 7 weeks old ) still look gangly & awkward. Do different lines mature slower or faster than others ?
Originally Posted by delisha

This additional information might help
thanks, i'm entirely familiar with poultry genetics. that link you gave is more likely to confuse people since he equates splash as white. which it's NOT.

i was replying to mhamilton's comment on light/dark splash. splash and black don't have shades, blue does come in various shades, depending on what other genetics might be in the birds' background (ie melanizers, diluters, etc).
I was wondering if anyone has any ideas where I could buy some REALLY good quality hatching eggs?
I'm not concerned about price - I may not be able to buy them right now if they are expensive, but I would love to get my hands on some REALLY great quality birds and thought you guys might know who has great birds and sells hatching eggs.
I was wondering if anyone has any ideas where I could buy some REALLY good quality hatching eggs? 
I'm not concerned about price - I may not be able to buy them right now if they are expensive, but I would love to get my hands on some REALLY great quality birds and thought you guys might know who has great birds and sells hatching eggs.

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