Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

Does it matter who the male/female is? Seems like I recall reading that the BLRW needs to be male and the SLW the female. It also doesn't breed true, if you cross the violet laced to each other, correct?
Does it matter who the male/female is?  Seems like I recall reading that the BLRW needs to be male and the SLW the female.  It also doesn't breed true, if you cross the violet laced to each other, correct?

I think one way make sex links but not sure. I got mine from someone else and I think she had splash pullets/hens.

yes they would breed true like a blue does. blue to blue would give you blue black and splash.
Dang it! I found one on the feathersite, was going to post it's pic but this dang button isn't working! Haven't been able to post pics all day!
I seen that one..there is also a link in BYC where they discuss breeding them and creating them. I have never seen them available for sale though. Takes many generations to make them they said.
I would have no idea. I am not color genetics person.


this is NOT my bird
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