Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!


This is lola she is out of Foley's stock. I have another black blue laced red wyandotte hen and a rooster. I also have 8 splash blue laced red wyandotte hens and one splash rooster. The splash is smaller than my black laced. I don't know which I should use to breed.
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Update: Peaky and others, my birds starting molting after 3 days of rain so no pics for a while I guess... They look shaggy :(

On another note: SOMEBODY HELP ME OUT HERE: Okay so I went to the state fair today to try to get an idea of what the judges are looking for in the birds. I walk in there and I am shocked! Every bird is HUGE compared to mine, and I mean like 15/20lb birds. What the heck???

My birds are like 12lbs for roos, 8-9lbs. for the hens...And ppl have told me that these are big. So now I'm so very confused. My standard I thought my size was perfect, but these birds were on steroids. I have never in my life seen them so tall and bulky.

What are they feeding them? How do they get them so big? Are they suppose to be this big?

Even the Blue Wyandottes there were like twice the size of mine by at least 1/2 a chicken size. Do I need to be buying what the ppl I talked to there as "Exhibition" size birds to even compete?

Suggestions thanks,
you need to aim for what the standard calls for... judges should be knocking points off for birds that are too far over the size... the APA standard calls for 7.5-8.5 for cockerel/cock and 5.5-6.5 for pullet/hen. so even your birds are over sized by the APA standard I have sitting in front of me...

edit: reading thru the apa standard again, under disqualifications...
"Any bird (except Beltsville Small White Turkeys) that deviates more than 20% either up or down from the weight listed for its breed, sex and age should be disqualified." (p. 33 of the current standard)
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This is lola she is out of Foley's stock. I have another black blue laced red wyandotte hen and a rooster. I also have 8 splash blue laced red wyandotte hens and one splash rooster. The splash is smaller than my black laced. I don't know which I should use to breed.
Lovely front on your pullet..pretty girl
Quote: You should take pictures of your birds..tons of them..Send the pictures and ask Foley what you should do.

I could not give breeding advise with out pictures....but

If all of your birds are as nice as this pullet, I would breed the black to your splash pullets. (you will have blue chicks)and your splash rooster use only to define lacing if you need it. (right now you don't if your lacing is this nice on all of your birds). I have a splash male and will keep him just to use for definition of lace(I need it). This girl does not need much help from what i can see.
Thank you delisha. I'm just in love with her. I'm so new to all this but I can tell you I am a fan of the blue laced red wyandotte. Her sister has orange around her neck and the mahagony is not as dark. Thank you for the lacing mention that's been something my bestfriend and I have talked about.

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