Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!



Tought I share a pic of one of my pullets, I really love my young cockerels too, ill take pics later.

Nooooo! Where'd all this orange come from? Up until this point, he has been all mahogany! Good thing he's a breeder for the freezer, and the freezer doesn't care what colors he throws.


Lower right corner is my Rhode island red, for color comparison.
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Raised in Garland, we used to live in Weatherford when Trinity Meadows Race Track was going but lived in the Sulphur Springs area many years before we settled in San Antonio area when Retama Park opened :) I haven't seen you on the Texas thread?

I've been a member for a while. I've been reading and learning as much as I can. I posted on this thread the other day for the first time.
Such pretty birds everyone! I just purchased 2 more BLRW hens today, I'll try and get photos tomorrow to share. One is very light and may be a splash, I'm so new to the breed and have much to learn. The other is darker.

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