Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

How is 4.4lbs at 6 months for a rooster, and 3.5lbs for hens at 6 months also?
Depends on body structure.
They get the bones and cartilage needed at around 6 months. The weight comes in after. If your structure is there the weight will follow. Some late hatches take a bit longer if they are young over the winter/hot summer. That is why March hatches are so favorable.

Lets take these two birds..I am using white so you can see. They are daughter top and mother bottom. Look at just the leg placement and width of each bird. Look at the tail.

All though the top bird is 6 months old and weights the same as her mother in this picture, she outweighed her mother at one year by 2 lbs. I changed the structure on the daughter by breeding a wide chested and wide legged bird. It changed the daughter structure and made for better tail. Instead of pinched tail it is a nice fan tail. Instead of a narrow body, the daughter has a wide one. The mother is a hatchery white rock and the daughter was from breeding the mom to a champion heritage white rock. The mother had a pretty head even if you can still see the basic leghorn comb hatchery's use in most of there lines. I still have the mother and she is still laying at the age of 6. You can't beat those genetics with a stick. I no longer have the daughter.

Structure first. Wide legs.. wide back..round tail..
here is my rooster now. the other one i had to cull do to it was having hip problems. i will post more pics of him in a day or two. at different angles.the orange that he had has darkened alot. him and the hens hatched on march 19th.

here is two of my 3 hens. and part of my splash hen. over look the feathers. my 6 rsl hens are molting.

We have 3 BLRW and 1 GLW that quit laying about 3 weeks ago. They are about 7 months old. Any ideas why they would quit laying? Our leghorns are still laying.

We have 3 BLRW and 1 GLW that quit laying about 3 weeks ago. They are about 7 months old. Any ideas why they would quit laying? Our leghorns are still laying.

Are they separated from the Leghorns? If so it may be stress, my egg numbers go way down if they are dealing with nighttime visits from rats! I've seen the rats running over their backs while they are on the roost at night. We had a heavy rain last week and the rodents found the dry areas under the coops again. Traps are set but I figure I've only gotten half of them.
Are bantam wyandottes as good a layer as standard?

I can't honestly answer that one, since I had only 1 bantam hen who was NOT... but 1 bird can not be a representative of a whole breed... I sold her this weekend at swap, so i'm now either going to get some more hens from a different breeder, or scrap my bantam blrw project. not totally sure yet what I want to do. depends on how the swap goes in 2 weeks, if I find some hens locally or sell everything I take and nave the extra $ to pay for shipping of new girls & such...

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