Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!


Been a rough week so far with my chickens, one of my girls got torn up by a dog, she is doing better now though
Thus morning went out to the rooster pen to find one dead, no marks, not ruffled up just laying in the coop floor dead, still warm.
Anyone have any idea what could have happened?
Opened his mouth, it was clear. Thoat has saliva pooled.
Nothing visibly wrong with body.
Did you take pictures and do an autopsy? I might be able to help you that way.

so I plan to enter this girl in a show and I wanted to know if she has a chance of winning, I'll try and get better pics but this is all I have right now
The pictures are hard to really looks like she has a rolled and front inversion to her comb..that is a DQ
Pictures do not show her body at all.. It looks like she has wry tail, but again, it might be the pictures. I can see the edge of two toes..does she have yellow legs? She has white in her neck feathers and a ton of gold..she should not have any gold if she is a BLRW. Owning the SOP and referring to it will really help in your future pursuits of showing It is a great hobby and a wonderful way to meet great people and learn about the breed. I sue hope you do show her and you can ask the Judge questions. They will give great pointers.
How much does she weigh?
A front picture, a rear picture that show her legs too would help. Several side views too.
A friend gave me this pullet and I can't decide, is she a blue or a splash? I thought she was a splash, but at times she looks more blue.
And yes, I know she's orange :) She is just now going through her first molt.

I don't know why it rotated the photo, BYC seems to do this randomly to me, the original was correct prior to upload.

A friend gave me this pullet and I can't decide, is she a blue or a splash? I thought she was a splash, but at times she looks more blue.
And yes, I know she's orange :) She is just now going through her first molt.

I don't know why it rotated the photo, BYC seems to do this randomly to me, the original was correct prior to upload.

Very nice :) Will you be selling hatching eggs?

Pretty nice this one of the chicks you recently got from Foley?
He looks to be a really nice size..put me on the list for chicks please.

I want some too!! Chicks or hatching eggs if your selling.
He is from my line. I will put him over some of the pullets I got from Foley. I'll post some pics of them later. Chicks only for now. I'll have to start early next year so I will need all the eggs they will give me. Will PM all when I have the price list set...
Question for the veteran BLR breeders in the crowd. I have been corresponding on a Brahma site with predominantly British breeders. They have a pretty decent population of blue partridge, and blue buff/red columbian Brahmas, apparently both patterns when in splash phase are lumped into a red pyle catch all catagory. Anyway one thing I picked up from them is the theory that breeding blue to blue tends to produce muddy paterns, their thinking is a splash - black breeding produces much crisper patterns. Not sure if a blue - black breeding is thought to keep the pattern as sharp.

Just curious what the thinking on this is ? Different pattern but theory should be the save. I know the buff laced Brahma breeders are having issues with washed out patterns if the don't breed in some black lacing(gold laced) pretty regular. Now they are working with dominant white so not sure if same theory applies.

Also they are pretty big on double breeding over there. Cockerel breeding pens, versus pullet breeding pens. I knew some old timers who did this with Brahmas,using males with very little saddle lacing to produce cleaner light and buff pullets. Has anybody gone to double breeding BLR, and if so, (if your willing to share), what do you look for in pullet breeders, cockerel breeders ?

I am not a Wyandotte breeder but not alot of info out there on this in Brahma circles. Been working on these for a while, mostly trial and error.

Question for the veteran BLR breeders in the crowd. I have been corresponding on a Brahma site with predominantly British breeders. They have a pretty decent population of blue partridge, and blue buff/red columbian Brahmas, apparently both patterns when in splash phase are lumped into a red pyle catch all catagory. Anyway one thing I picked up from them is the theory that breeding blue to blue tends to produce muddy paterns, their thinking is a splash - black breeding produces much crisper patterns. Not sure if a blue - black breeding is thought to keep the pattern as sharp.

Just curious what the thinking on this is ? Different pattern but theory should be the save. I know the buff laced Brahma breeders are having issues with washed out patterns if the don't breed in some black lacing(gold laced) pretty regular. Now they are working with dominant white so not sure if same theory applies.

Also they are pretty big on double breeding over there. Cockerel breeding pens, versus pullet breeding pens. I knew some old timers who did this with Brahmas,using males with very little saddle lacing to produce cleaner light and buff pullets. Has anybody gone to double breeding BLR, and if so, (if your willing to share), what do you look for in pullet breeders, cockerel breeders ?

I am not a Wyandotte breeder but not alot of info out there on this in Brahma circles. Been working on these for a while, mostly trial and error.

pretty head on that first Brahma..

BLRW is such a new breed that many have only had them for a hand full or less years. Keeping and getting that Wyandotte type is the most challenging. Color can be played with after consistent type is achieved. Only a handful of people are breeding enough birds to cull enough to get there. I am years away.

I might use SL on one line to get size and type. I have not made that commitment yet. I am talking to a neighbor and seeing if she will do it for me. It takes at least 14 months for every step and a ton of feed. She is looking for some meat birds and it might work to my advantage. I have only two birds that are good weight and size with average dotte type. They are young and I need the males to get to 10lbs at least. My SL males are 8 lbs at 6 months and look like 10. This is just in the talking stage.

Using splash to improve lacing works for all breeds. Knowing when to use it is the hard part. It is over used since so many like the splash birds. The blue color gets washed out and so does the red. Most birds you see are not red at all. I need to take some really nice pictures of my male. He is such a beautiful color red. Almost perfect.
The pictures are hard to really looks like she has a rolled and front inversion to her comb..that is a DQ
Pictures do not show her body at all.. It looks like she has wry tail, but again, it might be the pictures. I can see the edge of two toes..does she have yellow legs? She has white in her neck feathers and a ton of gold..she should not have any gold if she is a BLRW. Owning the SOP and referring to it will really help in your future pursuits of showing It is a great hobby and a wonderful way to meet great people and learn about the breed. I sue hope you do show her and you can ask the Judge questions. They will give great pointers.
How much does she weigh?
A front picture, a rear picture that show her legs too would help. Several side views too.

here are some better pictures, and she weighs 3-4 pounds
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ok just a heads up... I'm headed for 2 shows in the next month. the VPBA will be at the caroline county fairgrounds north of Richmond VA, and the TVPC show (also ABA nationals) in Knoxville tn...

I've got a variety of chicks I can bring with me, if someone is interested, but they will be staying here otherwise.
a few SFH (possibly a few of leigh's extras), 1 black laced bantam blrw cockerel, a pair of mille fleur bantam cochin chicks (the pullet is split mille but will produce nicely marked chicks). I've also got an ee cross pullet that should mature large bantam or small LF... momma is LF EE, sire is red bantam cochin. yeah he got lucky. LOL as well as a silver grey dorking girl or 2... (mature, going on 2 years old).

pm me if you want more info...

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