Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

Same with this guy.



Shame about the comb.
Isn't that just the way it works out! Gorgeous bird, and then there I s this one major flaw :'(

Maybe he will make some pretty mixes :) He is a really nice temperamented bird, I was going to eat him but put him in my layer flock instead.
I did take my chances and go buy a few more chicks from the same source, they all have proper combs now to see if any mature nicely.
Isn't that just the way it works out! Gorgeous bird, and then there I s this one major flaw :'(
As most of us know, the proper BLRW color and pattern is hard to achieve. This girl has near perfect type IMO but the colors are way off. Nice head and comb as well. I had to force myself to not use her in the breeding pens. Lacing starts out almost black on the chest and fades to light blue on the tail. Not much mahogony red and a lot of shafting in the feathers.

Happy Friday everyone!!!!!!!

Happy Friday!!!

We finally have a bit of sun peeking out today. I sure am hoping some of this muck starts to dry out before the next round of rain. I really want to get some pics taken this weekend to post for some assessment help. My hubby talked me into selling almost all the chicks I hatched in the fall. I think I kept about 18 chicks. All but 2 were pullets amazingly. I have already sold a few for layers, but I need to try to make some decisions on the others now and I value the opinions of the knowledgeable breeders on this board.

All my birds that came directly from Foley just finished up a hard molt. I am shocked. One of the hens had a complete change in color and pattern, and not in a good way. She had very nice lacing before with great mahogany color. Her new feathers are very mossy and smutty and the mahogany is almost nonexistent. Has anyone else had this happen? I am so disappointed. She is moving to the layer flock. :(
I had a hen from him molt and then feather in penciled. I had an EE once that was white molt and feather back in with a buff colored breast. It happens. Not sure what to tell you on breeding her though. My BLRW with the penciling made more penciled birds.
Del, I will habe to get some close ups of the combs and post this weekend. I already sold the singles as layers. Grew them out a bit to be sure it was totally impossible they were some how mixed. Eblven tho Ellis was penned 4 weeks before I collected.
Happy friday!
I do the same with my favorites :) we now have a "layers flock"lol
I had a hen from him molt and then feather in penciled.  I had an EE once that was white molt and feather back in with a buff colored breast.  It happens.  Not sure what to tell you on breeding her though.  My BLRW with the penciling made more penciled birds.

I won't be breeding her; she'll just be in the layer flock. Gracious she's an expensive layer.
I'm going to try to get pics this weekend.
I've had girls do tat to me before, start out nicely laced then the patter goes all haywire after the first real moult... I think that's why a lot of old timers always preferred waiting until after their first real moult to start breeding. because then you know what you've REALLY got to work with...

fortunately, my splash laced girl's lacing is just as clear now as it was when I got her. which is good ince she's my ONLY blrw girl (tho I have 3 lf and 1 bantam roos)

I think the 2 chicks hatched from her so far are a pair... so that's 1 more girl

and delisha's eggs are due next Friday.

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