Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

I'm going pullet but need a better shot of the wattles......
Does this help

Here is my baby at 4 days, 6 days, and 2 pics at 19 days old. Do you think he/she will be blue or black? The feathers look black and gold striped, not laced. Is this normal? It's my first BLRW.
Does this help
I am going to guess cockerel based on the pinkness at 8 weeks... sorry.. I am only right 50% of the time

Happy Monday!!!!!
Cuties!! looks about the same age as mine right now

Here is my baby at 4 days, 6 days, and 2 pics at 19 days old. Do you think he/she will be blue or black? The feathers look black and gold striped, not laced. Is this normal? It's my first BLRW.

where did you get her from? she looks BLUE to me. it can vary in different genetic lines though..

it is normal for their first feathers to look almost barred.
around 4 weeks lacing will start coming in, laced feathers by 6-8 weeks I would guess.. when the lacing comes in, it'll be blue I'm guessing.

here is 1 of mine as she grew up.. she is Blue.
1 week:

3 weeks:

5 weeks -- I'm thinking, lacing looks black? but her down is blue..
I now have a black laced red and WOW the black is a true black, can't mistake it, but if you only have blue then it sometimes look dark/black


shes about 4 and a half months old here.. most recent one I have:

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