Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

I don't see any penciling she looks laced. Looks like a GLW.

Bummer, not a blue. I'm still trying to learn to tell the difference. This really isn't a good picture to show it. There are only a few feathers visible that look anything like her breast feathers. I circled them for better viewing. I may be using the wrong name to describe the feather. (that's pretty likely)
It still looks laced. I dont see any other feather type in her. She is definately not blue, and by gold laced, it means that her "red" is not red. She is pretty young still, her lacing and coloring could change as she ages.

I didn't think single laced would have the gold on the outside, then a black streak, and then gold again. I'm new to the feather patterns, this image I saw when I was googling to try and learn the difference is what lead me to wonder if it is normal for a single laced bird and why I called it penciled. I thought penciled was with the gold color on the outside.
I didn't think single laced would have the gold on the outside, then a black streak, and then gold again. I'm new to the feather patterns, this image I saw when I was googling to try and learn the difference is what lead me to wonder if it is normal for a single laced bird and why I called it penciled. I thought penciled was with the gold color on the outside.
I guess double-laced might be another way to reference that, like a barnevelder, although you are seeing it in limited areas.
I thought that might be a better way to describe it at first but the picture in the link made double lacing look like it always had the black on the outside. What makes penciling penciling? Is it the number of stripes? It's pretty whatever you call it and I really like it. Wish she didn't give me such a hard time getting a picture.
Quote: those circled areas look like 2 individual feathers overlapped... they don't have a gold outer edge. what you're seeing is an entire second feather under the first.

if I'm wrong, pluck the feather or snip it off with scissors (I'd pluck, it'll grow back faster) and take a pic of it...
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Honestly the ones in this picture may just be individual separate feathers. It was just the closest I could get to a picture that shows what the breast feathers look like since she was not very cooperative. I'll try the plucking tonight if I can. She's been finicky about being handled ever since we got some really skittish guineas that would freak out anytime I came in the room.
This may be a dumb question, but what is the difference between a black laced and a blue laced?

Black laced.


Blue laced.

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