Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

I posted a few more angles on him a while back but never got a response on his type. He definitely has the best comb of my group. Dunce has better color and size though and I like to breed them big since I eat them and hope to show them one day.

he is too young to judge type, meaning his type right now is not good but maybe he will grow into it later...

he has a really long back, but that could go away with age.. his tail angle looks almost like a squirrel-tail in one of the photos, remember you want a 40 degree tail angle... his wing is angled down in all the photos that I can see. he is not really round enough in the chest or butt yet, but he will not be full grown til about 12months..

desired chest and butt roundness:

the orange color of his neck hackles is going to lighten your birds mahogany lacing over time... but remember to go for body type before color. it is really easy to see only color, especially before they are fully mature at 12mos.

here is a male that belongs to ChickenHill who I think was 5 or 6 months old:

I kind of took a shortcut by getting some of ChickenHill's beautiful birds, it eliminated years of selective breeding for me. I am still selecting carefully from what I got, but she already put a lot of work into their type and I think it was really worth it (for me) to start with high quality stock!

Also, Jerry Foley has an e-book available for $10 online: with great information about breeding and culling BLRW!
Foley is also selling 6-8 month old breeder quality birds for $100 each, if I could afford it I would be buying those right up! I'd get 2 females and a male. Yup! I have never seen him selling BLRW before, not sure if it is the first time ever, but worth grabbing while they're still there!
try to capture the angles of the drawings I have posted.
down at ground level: from the side, from the back, from the front (feet apart, not walking), and down over the top of his back

here is some advice that I saved (I did not write down the author, SORRY!) about how to work with average quality birds - hatch a LOT!
Oh husband might not be too happy that I'm getting more excuses to hatch tons of chicks. I do that anyway :p

Thanks for all the advice. I definitely want the book from Foley and wish I could afford some breeders, his birds are gorgeous. I hope my boys darken up a bit. No one has gone through a molt yet so my fingers are crossed for good change. It would be nice if my splashes would too but I think with the gold hackles most of them will be unusable for breeding. I'm hoping to do a buff laced and silver laced blue project though and they should do nicely for that.

Here's my Foley cockerel 6 months old.

Here are a few of the Foley pullets same age, I bought 5 of them. They are turning out nicely and I'm patiently waiting POL.
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It is not a first. He sells birds all the time. He does not ship in the heat of the summer. My birds came from his breeding pen. Most people on here got birds from him.

There you are, I was wondering if you were still around these parts :)

Makes sense about not shipping in summer. I wish I had disposable income to get some of his birds, you're so lucky to have them!

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