Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

I was just thinking it would be really cool to see a time lapse video showing the lacing progression on a BLRW, from chick to adult!!! One for each blue, black, and splash. Is there one already?
Does anyone have an adult breeding pair or roo that they could ship? I lost my gorgeous BLRW roo last summer to a dog and have been unable to replace him so far. I have someone who wants hatching eggs and I'm up a creek without a paddle without a roo.. :( if you have something shoot me a pm.
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I know how frustrating that is! I am down to one rooster in several pens for varied reasons. It seems like back up roosters are hard to keep, and harder to come by when you need a replacement
. We have a pen full of young boys coming up who are 2-3 months, but no adults. I sent you a pic of the father by PM.
I know how frustrating that is! I am down to one rooster in several pens for varied reasons. It seems like back up roosters are hard to keep, and harder to come by when you need a replacement :he . We have a pen full of young boys coming up who are 2-3 months, but no adults. I sent you a pic of the father by PM.

It was Very frustrating! He'd just started really maturing and coming into his own and he was so tame, the sweetest of all of my chickens, and then the stupid dog.... :mad: What age do they becoming mature enough to start fertilizing the hens? I'd like to add a couple hens this year too if I decide to continue my chicken math! My girls from last year have just now really started laying. I still have one splash that's not laying yet and she's at least a year old.
If you have some really dark BCM eggs I may be interested in some of them too. I've been searching and searching for someone with truly DARK hatching eggs.
So this may have been answered in here somewhere, but I bought 3 blue laced red chicks that were straight run on March 1st. I am anxious to know if they are male or female...I am hoping for at least one female out of the bunch, but know that can be hard with straight run. :/ I took a lot of pictures last night and decided to come to the experts...any thoughts? Here is chick 1


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