Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

My good looking boy
Hello, I have just started reading this thread. I have 5 babies that hatched yesterday and today. It was my first try at incubation. I was wondering if it possible to tell what colours these babies will grow up having. Thank you.
Hello, I have just started reading this thread. I have 5 babies that hatched yesterday and today. It was my first try at incubation. I was wondering if it possible to tell what colours these babies will grow up having. Thank you.
Pic is a bit far away but looks to be 3 splash, 1 blue and one black.
Anyone have a BLRW roo or Cockerel they can ship over to me in Northern NY. I can pay a a removing fee and whatever the shipping comes out to. I would really want one out of Show Quality stock. My current Roo was just taken out by a redtail hawk and I really need a replacement asap. Thank you to anyone who can help me out.

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