Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

I have 1 blue hen and 1 black rooster of this breed. They are so beautiful and friendly! They are named Snuggles and Pip.
I have a 1 year old BLR Wyandotte. While she may not be the most people-social, she is a very good broody. Well, at least from what I know. She has been our only broody. Here she is! this is Chickula (named by, at the time, 9 year old boy)

So can anyone tell me what a blue laces red crossed with a lavender Wyandotte would produce? I'm assuming it's a blue base to lavender so I'm wondering if I'll just get black and blue chicks with no lacing? Just curious :)
Chickula! Love it. :)

We should be getting our chicks in 1-2 weeks. I'm soooooo excited! We have been looking for these for such a long time, but couldn't find any local breeders that we were comfortable with. So we're getting them shipped from Maryland.

Pics soon!!
It has only been 11 weeks since we got our chicks. Miss Chickula has decided she wants more, and is now being a stubborn broody again. Really?
We just went through with this. Now we are going to try to break her. No more chicks!
@gachooks Good luck! Can't wait to see those pictures.

So this is my guy that I was assured when I bought him as a chick that he was blue, blue laced red wyandotte and people on this board agreed but now I am getting nervous. All his sister's and brothers I bought are splash and he is looking more and more splash. I have bought 22 over the last 2 years and all have been splash from2 different sellers.
Please tell me hes a blue!
Im having trouble posting pics so hopefully this works.
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