Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

Mary and I are happy to share photos on here. Jeremy at the hatchery was a great guy and has some birds we desire. If we had our way we would be managing a hatchery but being in the city is limiting. We are going to monkey around with hatching a few batches and selling at swaps and such for a few years before we move to western NC. When we hatch will be determined by the birds. If they are looking great and are the color we want to continue and maintain we will hatch some to keep the line going. For now we won't keep more than 10 birds 2 roos and 8 hens. Got to keep the neighbors fairly happy. No complaints the last few years but we haven't added a roos. We'll see how that goes this year.
This is my matriarch hen - the first hen I ever hatched and I got her off this site :).


Just added this beautiful boy!

I also bought unseen a blrw hen- way overpriced and coloring really not to my liking once I saw her but she was super sweet and her poor head was pecked bald - here she is. Is she a poorly colored blue , or would she be considered splash?
Thanks! :)
This is my matriarch hen - the first hen I ever hatched and I got her off this site :).


Just added this beautiful boy!

I also bought unseen a blrw hen- way overpriced and coloring really not to my liking once I saw her but she was super sweet and her poor head was pecked bald - here she is. Is she a poorly colored blue , or would she be considered splash?
Thanks! :)

She's probably a dark splash. The "blue" gene is a leaky gene so the blue can be dark slate or almost as light as a dark splash and the splash can be this dark or practically white. Personally like the dark splash birds the best but of course blue is what everyone wants. I'm hatching out a ton of splash chicks right now and I think next winter I might replace my roo with a black pattern BLRW and run him with all splash girls so I can sell 100% blue.
This is my matriarch hen - the first hen I ever hatched and I got her off this site

Just added this beautiful boy!

I also bought unseen a blrw hen- way overpriced and coloring really not to my liking once I saw her but she was super sweet and her poor head was pecked bald - here she is. Is she a poorly colored blue , or would she be considered splash?

thanks everyone- I know they aren't perfect, any hatching I do will be for personal use only- I'm just an urban backyard chicken keeper so I wouldn't have the space anyway
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Two of our BLRW chicks. We are fairly certain the one on the right is a roo and the pullet is on the left. They are a day or two apart in age. I wish he would have stood up more for the photo but they both got camera shy. He is very, "Leggy," as Foley writes in his PDF about the BLRW. It does make him look like an Ostrich when he stands up. They were both about the same size just over a week ago with him being just a little bigger. He displays the aggressiveness of a roo and is growing fast. His comb is also growing much faster. I could be wrong as I don't have a lot of experience with this breed, but my wife agrees with me so that is all that matters for now....LOL.
This is all three of our BLRW chicks together. The bottom two are the ones in the earlier photo. I wish I would have gotten his tail feathers in. They are already sticking out quite a ways. I want to say the one on top is going to be a Splash, but I have been told to hold off on identifying them too much until they get closer to maturity, which can take a while.
This is all three of our BLRW chicks together. The bottom two are the ones in the earlier photo. I wish I would have gotten his tail feathers in. They are already sticking out quite a ways. I want to say the one on top is going to be a Splash, but I have been told to hold off on identifying them too much until they get closer to maturity, which can take a while.

Have fun playing THAT game!
Seriously, though, it does look like two blues and a splash to me, but it could also be a light blue. They're adorable.

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