Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

Gender guesses? 4 week old BLRW. I know it's early, but the curiosity!!!! In the photo, those may look like saddles above the tail, but they are feathers just in and still sheathed. TIA!
It's a splash. My cockerels are always very slow to feather in around the butt. When they are 3-4 weeks all the pullets have tail feathers and the cockerels have ' blunt butts ' :)
The moulting look-

And the look her sister hen is giving her is priceless.
this year's male... he's a bit dark but has the best body type

a couple of the girls in the breeding plan!

eggs are due to hatch on Easter Sunday... I can't wait!

I didn't know there was such a thing as too dark! He's gorgeous. I love all of your birds.
The moulting look-

And the look her sister hen is giving her is priceless.

Just wait till sis has her heavy molt, then we'll see whose staring.
You know, though, the feathers she DOES have are nice ones!
Gender guesses? 4 week old BLRW.

I know it's early, but the curiosity!!!! In the photo, those may look like saddles above the tail, but they are feathers just in and still sheathed. TIA!

No pics of wattles, as there is zero wattle development yet. Just a thin, pale, flat, line of soon to be wattle flesh. :) TIA for input, I love playing the cockerel or pullet game! Fun to watch and guess!! (I've learned so much of my breeds from fellow members!)
No pics of wattles, as there is zero wattle development yet. Just a thin, pale, flat, line of soon to be wattle flesh. :) TIA for input, I love playing the cockerel or pullet game! Fun to watch and guess!! (I've learned so much of my breeds from fellow members!)
I wouldn't mark him as a roo just yet, mine had wattles at two weeks. Wyandottes are crazy to try and sex apparently. If it's not blazing red and the wattles don't aggressively pop out.. Than maybe you have a pullet
I wouldn't mark him as a roo just yet, mine had wattles at two weeks. Wyandottes are crazy to try and sex apparently. If it's not blazing red and the wattles don't aggressively pop out.. Than maybe you have a pullet
Agreed. At this point it looks like a hen but could just be a slow developing Roo. This looks very similar to our splash hen.
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