Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

Does this look like a BLRW chick?
I bought a mix of eggs, and there were only 2 BLRW eggs, along with other breeds. From pics on web, it looks like it,however a lot of the chicks look alike to me.
If so, shouldn't I see more blue lacing vs black lacing on wing?
This chick is 2 1/2- 3 weeks old.
Thanks for any help.





The under plumage is looking blue, but the yellow breast is a little baffling. Did the breeder have SLW too?
Not that I am aware of. She said that she has EE, BLRW, chocolate Orpington, and Ayam Cemani . She said that her BLRW Roo is directly from Foleys waterfowl. That sold me. I saw his website, and his birds are absolutely gorgeous. She also sent me a pic of her Roo, and he is absolutely gorgeous.
Unfortunatly since I had Mareks in my flock, I chose not to step foot on her property, so I never got to actually see the birds in person. We just met at Starbucks, and she gave me the eggs.
The Other breeds she gave me hatched true to her word, so I am a little baffled. I am not familiar with the genetics of this breed, so maybe it's one of those 25% chance of getting a different color?
I've also noticed that some people boo-hoo commercial wormers, but I'm not entirely sure how to "naturally" worm them.

My plan was to use a commercial wormer every 6 months but to give fermented feed mixed with a heavy dose of cayenne pepper every week. For the commercial wormer I switched to ivermectin pour-on (off label...designed for cattle) because it was supposed to work for external parasites as well. I had a bird die but it wasn't fresh enough to send off for necropsy. Then I had another die which I did send off. Before I got the results back I lost another bird. When I got the results back my bird had died from capillary worms. It's one of the few parasites NOT controlled by ivermectin! So...I used Safegard (the best thing for capillary worms) and now I give all my birds a dose of Safegard every month. My birds are all confined so I can't get by with worming every 6 months. Now, all this time I had been giving fairly massive doses of cayenne (I get it cheap in bulk). It might have helped with some worms but it certainly didn't keep my birds completely clean of worms. In fact that necropsy also found ceacal worms and one other type but in negligible numbers (perhaps held in check by the cayenne but I also used the ivermectin). It sounds great to use all natural solutions and if you free range you might be able to get away with it but a commercial wormer really does work.
Not that I am aware of. She said that she has EE, BLRW, chocolate Orpington, and Ayam Cemani . She said that her BLRW Roo is directly from Foleys waterfowl. That sold me. I saw his website, and his birds are absolutely gorgeous. She also sent me a pic of her Roo, and he is absolutely gorgeous.
Unfortunatly since I had Mareks in my flock, I chose not to step foot on her property, so I never got to actually see the birds in person. We just met at Starbucks, and she gave me the eggs.
The Other breeds she gave me hatched true to her word, so I am a little baffled. I am not familiar with the genetics of this breed, so maybe it's one of those 25% chance of getting a different color?

BLRW have the andalusian blue gene, which means when you are breeding them you also can get black and splash. If she bred a blue cock to blue hens, there is a 50% chance of blue 25% chance of black and 25% chance of splash.

I stand by my statement that that chick is a black laced red.

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