Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

Just my opinion, but considering comb/wattles, I say boy. Feathering is no real help in this breed until later. Legs are a bit petite, but head shape and glowing red comb tells me boy. Even in the blurry pic, you can see how developed his wattles are. Fingers crossed for you, my gut says boy.

Thanks so much!! I've been thinking boy since he was about 8 weeks old, and I was really thinking I would know by now. When do their hackle and saddle feathers start to come in? It looks like he might be starting to get his hackles...but I'm not sure. And I noticed some pointy feathers in the saddle/tail area, but they're too small to tell yet.
Thanks so much!! I've been thinking boy since he was about 8 weeks old, and I was really thinking I would know by now. When do their hackle and saddle feathers start to come in? It looks like he might be starting to get his hackles...but I'm not sure. And I noticed some pointy feathers in the saddle/tail area, but they're too small to tell yet.

They are slow to develop, but yes I would say cockerel.
Hackles will usually come in before saddles, and unfortunately each bird is different. Especially with this breed. From my experience, however, 16-18 weeks you will see the start, and know for sure by 20-22. With variance on either side of those numbers. Best of luck!!! He's soooo blue!!! <3
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...oh, and those hackles will be shiny. Undeniably shiny. My hens have really pointy hackle feathers, but theirs are dull. The boys are super shiny. You won't mistake the saddles, though. I've seen the guys often have patchy red on their shoulders, but you can tell NOTHING from color. I have had blrw change color three times before settling. I had one that was so very blue, it was unique and awesome. Just to lose it and become very white splash. I love this breed, though!!
Hackles will usually come in before saddles, and unfortunately each bird is different. Especially with this breed. From my experience, however, 16-18 weeks you will see the start, and know for sure by 20-22. With variance on either side of those numbers. Best of luck!!! He's soooo blue!!! <3
Thank you!! Yes, he is very blue. I'm really hoping you all are right about him being a boy, because his father (and my splash girl's father) is GORGEOUS!!! I nicknamed him "Beefcake" and say hello to him every time I'm out there. He's super sweet, a beautiful dark blue, HUGE, and has the nicest deep dark mahogany I've ever seen. I have high hopes for my little blue boy, and he darn well better be a boy!! His sister has pretty dark red for being a splash as well, so I'm hoping that's something that the father passed onto his offspring and am hoping they give me pretty mahogany red babies <3
BTW, haven't been able to get pics of her yet. It's been raining here and it's pretty dismal outside right now. Might go ahead and snap some this afternoon, though.
They are slow to develop, but yes I would say cockerel.
I hope you guys are right!!! Fingers crossed!
Thank you!! Yes, he is very blue. I'm really hoping you all are right about him being a boy, because his father (and my splash girl's father) is GORGEOUS!!! I nicknamed him "Beefcake" and say hello to him every time I'm out there. He's super sweet, a beautiful dark blue, HUGE, and has the nicest deep dark mahogany I've ever seen. I have high hopes for my little blue boy, and he darn well better be a boy!! His sister has pretty dark red for being a splash as well, so I'm hoping that's something that the father passed onto his offspring and am hoping they give me pretty mahogany red babies <3
BTW, haven't been able to get pics of her yet. It's been raining here and it's pretty dismal outside right now. Might go ahead and snap some this afternoon, though.

I hate to crush your dreams, but I wouldn't breed him if I were you. I know pictures dont tell the whole story, but he is most certainly NOT deep mahogany. He is what we call in the BLRW orange, or brass. He has poor lacing and loads of shafting. His blue is ok. He's still young. He has time to develop. I'm merely telling you what I see now. It could change, probably not, but possibly. It costs the same amount to feed a bad bird as a good bird. Keep that in mind.
I hate to crush your dreams, but I wouldn't breed him if I were you. I know pictures dont tell the whole story, but he is most certainly NOT deep mahogany. He is what we call in the BLRW orange, or brass. He has poor lacing and loads of shafting. His blue is ok. He's still young. He has time to develop. I'm merely telling you what I see now. It could change, probably not, but possibly. It costs the same amount to feed a bad bird as a good bird. Keep that in mind.

Well, no offense, but I really hope you're would be so sad if he didn't turn out looking like his father. I thought he looked really dark. I only see a few lighter, brassy looking feathers. You are right about the shafting though. I wish it wasn't there, but there it is, lol. Hopefully he'll just get darker and better as he ages. If he turns out half as good as his daddy, he'll be lovely.

Oh! And I got a couple pics of his sister today...she is a lighter red than him, and I wish she had some more lacing, but she has more than she did a month ago, so there's hope for her yet. Fingers crossed she gets more! What do you guys think of her? I love the smoky gray she's got on her head and neck!

Ignore the baby BCM photo bomb

Oh, and as promised, here's Piper (Pippin) and Phoebe together:

Phoebe's a little more's hard to get a close-up of her with my little man. By the way, what do you think of keeping his name Piper even if he's a boy? I've gotten used to calling him that. Sometimes I call him "Pipes", but it'd be hard for me to change it now. I think I might keep it.
Hi everyone. ....I have 2 cockerels who will most likely stay here but unsure if they are good enough to breed. IF one is qualify enough and IF I can ever find a few nice pullets.....offspring would be sold as backyard pets as I'm not interested in showing but would like to be somewhat close to the SOP so they still look like a BLRW. LoL
Attached are 2 photos of each boy. The lighter one does not have great lacing but when he actually stands correctly his type is beautiful. unfortunately he is forever in the food container and difficult to get pictures of. His brother is darker with better lighting what is Forever on the move and I apologize if the shots are a little out of focus.
Any and all critiques welcomed.





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