Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

It took months but I finally found a new contact that will take my culls in bulk. Was a strain on the wallet feeding them all. I officially only keep one variety of breed now and have made room to get serious improvement. Was hatching just enough for headway with two breeds.

Now I'm anxious to put a lot of BLRW on the ground but have to sit on my hands for another two months for Spring to arrive.
It took months but I finally found a new contact that will take my culls in bulk. Was a strain on the wallet feeding them all. I officially only keep one variety of breed now and have made room to get serious improvement. Was hatching just enough for headway with two breeds.

Now I'm anxious to put a lot of BLRW on the ground but have to sit on my hands for another two months for Spring to arrive.
Do you ship eggs?
Last year I had a pullet turn into a cockerel at 19 weeks of age. As a long time chicken person it was embarrassing to say the least.

Once in a while you'll get a runty cockerel or hearty pullet that will change the rules but in general BLRW are not that hard to sex.
I love this thread for the eye-candy - I think they are all gorgeous. I am cautiously wondering whether to add some to my flock. Egghead you mentioned that they are not hard to sex - at what age? That is one of my concerns as I cannot have a rooster and a breeder near me suggested they were hard to sex as chicks.
They are as easy or hard to sex as any other non sex linked chicken. It depends how observant a person is. I'm not gifted by any means but can sex at hatch just by leg size and stance with near 90% accuracy.

You'll be even more accurate at 8 to 10 weeks of age. Comb size and coloring have a lot to do with it but again, the leg and stance of bird is even more pronounced at this age. Different lines can be more challenging than others. I hatched a few eggs from another source to evaluate and thought there was one small pullet that at 20 weeks finally showed saddle feathers. Thin legs, lower stance, small size and no real development until quite old. That line would be impossible to sex with any real accuracy.
Update picture of my cockerel and pullet that I want to get some chicks off of. They are about 8 months old



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