Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

Let me know what you think about the birds you get. I was happy with two out of the three but was not happy about the third and the amount I paid.
What displeased you about the one? I was the same about my trio. My cockerel and older pullet are very nice, but I wasn't sure about the younger pullet (VERY young, maybe 4 mths), but Jerry told me she would be nice when her adult feathering comes in. I've had her one month and I'm amazed at the difference in some of her new feathers. I can't wait to see the difference in a few months. I'll try to get some pics to put up soon; it's been dark when I get home.
OK I got 9 chicks that hatched and want to confirm the colors.  I am not sure on some...

Here is a group shot, the splash on the left, blues on the right and the 2 dark ones in the middle.  One stray splash between the dark ones and the blues.

Hello to all. This is my first post here. Eee, I'm getting brave.
Donna your chicks are adorable. And the new Foley birds are awesome.

We only have one BLRW hen from Chickee. We love her pretty little self. Here she is having hatched an OE chick,
We finally had to let her try she was so determined to be broody despite her youth . She's a sweet girl. Sorry abut the picture quality.
Maybe someday I'll have more. I do love my Dotte.


wel one pullet was white with very little lacing over her entire body. Only on her wings. He told me the same thing so we will see if it changes as she gets older. It was a lot of money for a bird of that quality I think.
Hmm I would like to see a photo of her if you have one. Thanks! :)
Forgive the poor pics because they're on my phone. I snapped these the day my trio arrived last month, as I was putting them in the quarantine pen. Most of the cockerel's tailfeathers were lining the bottom of the box. I'm not sure if the pullets pulled them out because of stress?





I wish I had better pics of the young pullet so you could really see the lack of definition and contrast. NONE of her feathers displayed good pattern. I'll try to take a pic today to show her new feathers. There's definite improvement. :)

Ok...again, pics from my phone (and yes in my kitchen because its getting dark outside).




She's still very young and has a lot of maturing to do. I'm hoping for much more improvement. I like that her colors are so dark, and her lacing is really getting better. I guess time will tell...

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