Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

Quote: blue is supposed to have a darker edge to the blue feather, what he has is the blue lacing showing that darker blue edging... on a solid blue bird it's much more noticable. here's a pic i pulled from the cochin thread of someone's birds they posted recently...
these birds belong to tkay6205, and IMO she has some of the best blue cochins out there (bantam).
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I recieved my Foley birds yesterday morning and I think the trip really stressed them out... They have some respitory symptoms this afternoon.. Im freaking out!! Is this common with the stress of shipping? They are no where near any of my other flock so we should be ok with that... Anyone else had trouble with shipping stress.. Ive started them on antibiotics etc should I do anything more...
personally i don't recommend giving antibiotics unless you KNOW what's going on...

what are their symptoms? coughing/sneezing could be simply dust or allergy related if there's no discharge... if they have nasal discharge or 'wet' sounding cough, that's something else entirely. if you put the bird's chest area (under one wing) up to your ear, what do you hear?

most upper respiratory diseases are viral in nature, and antibiotics won't do a thing for them.

clicking when they breathe, with yawning and neck stretching are indicative of gape worm (picked up from eating earthworms). and require fenbendazole and/or ivermectin wormers. I treat with both, 5 days apart, with 2 rounds each, since the initial dose may only kill adults but not the larval stages they have. i deworm all new birds as well, since i have no way of knowing what kind of deworming regimen they have been on previously. then the flock is treated twice a year. (orally with ivermectin)
Thank you
They do have discharge, yellow puss like discharge and runny from their nose. When they breath you can hear like a crackle. If viral than they must have been exposed in transit. Foley wouldnt have sent them like that an theyve only been here a day with No exposure to others. We dont even go from coop to coop with the same shoes etc... We spent a lot of money on these birds so we had a plan to be extra carefull.
We are using pine shaving bedding, and their coop is about 10x10 with only the two of them... Decent ventilation. I hadnt let them out side yet as I wanted them to get cozy first... i did notice when I cleaned the pullets nose that there was some build up of dusting around her nose from the pine shavings. I sure hope they are gonna be ok..
I recieved my Foley birds yesterday morning and I think the trip really stressed them out... They have some respitory symptoms this afternoon.. Im freaking out!! Is this common with the stress of shipping? They are no where near any of my other flock so we should be ok with that... Anyone else had trouble with shipping stress.. Ive started them on antibiotics etc should I do anything more...

I'm sorry your new babies are sick! :(

I've been very fortunate and have only had to deal with the dry form of fowl pox with my birds. I would be clueless how to handle a respiratory illness. Thankfully, this forum is full of very knowledgable people (such as ki4got) that are willing to help. Let us know how they progress!
Thank you
They do have discharge, yellow puss like discharge and runny from their nose. When they breath you can hear like a crackle. If viral than they must have been exposed in transit. Foley wouldnt have sent them like that an theyve only been here a day with No exposure to others. We dont even go from coop to coop with the same shoes etc... We spent a lot of money on these birds so we had a plan to be extra carefull.
We are using pine shaving bedding, and their coop is about 10x10 with only the two of them... Decent ventilation. I hadnt let them out side yet as I wanted them to get cozy first... i did notice when I cleaned the pullets nose that there was some build up of dusting around her nose from the pine shavings. I sure hope they are gonna be ok..
ok sorry to hear about that... I got one girl from Jerry at the OH show earlier in the month and she's doing fine. out of quarantine now, and should start free ranging soon.

at this point i would then probably continue the antibiotics to prevent any secondary infections (if it is viral) and just keep them clean and warm with a ready supply of food and clean water. I would clean any gunk from around their nostrils and eyes too, to make breathing easier.
blue is supposed to have a darker edge to the blue feather, what he has is the blue lacing showing that darker blue edging... on a solid blue bird it's much more noticable. here's a pic i pulled from the cochin thread of someone's birds they posted recently...
these birds belong to tkay6205, and IMO she has some of the best blue cochins out there (bantam).
Thank you ..................... I'm always learning :)
I recieved my Foley birds yesterday morning and I think the trip really stressed them out... They have some respitory symptoms this afternoon.. Im freaking out!! Is this common with the stress of shipping? They are no where near any of my other flock so we should be ok with that... Anyone else had trouble with shipping stress.. Ive started them on antibiotics etc should I do anything more...
I am sure its possible though I have never experienced it. I am sure antibiotics should help :) good luck
ok, well, didn't get any good pics of my LF or the bantam girl, but did get a nice pic of S'mee today. 8)
it's strange though, some of his blue looked nearly white in places. and no he's not a splash, he is a blue laced... 8)
Thank you
They do have discharge, yellow puss like discharge and runny from their nose. When they breath you can hear like a crackle. If viral than they must have been exposed in transit. Foley wouldnt have sent them like that an theyve only been here a day with No exposure to others. We dont even go from coop to coop with the same shoes etc... We spent a lot of money on these birds so we had a plan to be extra carefull.
We are using pine shaving bedding, and their coop is about 10x10 with only the two of them... Decent ventilation. I hadnt let them out side yet as I wanted them to get cozy first... i did notice when I cleaned the pullets nose that there was some build up of dusting around her nose from the pine shavings. I sure hope they are gonna be ok..

Just chiming in as an admirer of BLRW but not an owner of any of these beautiful birds.

As a precautionary measure, I would try getting the sick bird off of the pine chips and use dust-free bedding until she's better. My own birds do fine on pine, but I've heard from others that there are birds who are sensitive to pine dust. Pine dust can also aggravate respiratory issues. To help give her a fighting chance, you need to eliminate as much dust as possible. Perhaps you can find a place in the house or in a low-dust workshop or something and use shredded paper, old towels or rags. Once she is better, chances are her body won't have an issue with dust any more, but for now the dust could be making her symptoms worse. Just my 2 cents :) Good luck with her! Keeping my fingers crossed for a quick recovery!
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Thank you
They do have discharge, yellow puss like discharge and runny from their nose. When they breath you can hear like a crackle. If viral than they must have been exposed in transit. Foley wouldnt have sent them like that an theyve only been here a day with No exposure to others. We dont even go from coop to coop with the same shoes etc... We spent a lot of money on these birds so we had a plan to be extra carefull.
We are using pine shaving bedding, and their coop is about 10x10 with only the two of them... Decent ventilation. I hadnt let them out side yet as I wanted them to get cozy first... i did notice when I cleaned the pullets nose that there was some build up of dusting around her nose from the pine shavings. I sure hope they are gonna be ok..
If you have Oxine try that in a vaporizer. I run mine when needed 6 times a day for 20 mins each. 4 1/2 oz of Oxine to a gallon of water. If it is in their lungs that could help clear it out. I do that for at least a week. I cover the pen some to keep the steam in so they will breath it.

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