Blue Laced Red Wyandottes

They are a beautiful breed. Its hard to get the typeyness of the Wyandotte. My roo is a decent example, but my hen looks like a Rock. Im going to work on them.
bluehenlover, just wondered where you are? If all 9 hatch I won't be able to keep them all if you're interested.
Way not local. I'm in New Jersey! Oh Well! I'm on day 21 and no pips yet so maybe it won't even happen:(
Not giving up yet, I'm thinking I may be a day off. Set the eggs 9:30am on the 7th so maybe tomorrow is day 21. Should I be hearing or seeing anything yet? I did see heartbeats when I took them out of the turner?!?!?!:eek:
You could hear some peeping. Watch for the eggs to shift/ rock a little as they get ready to hatch. What is your humidity?
That sounds good. When they pip, keep an eye on the color of the membrane. You want it to look like moist kleenex- if its white white, your humidity could be too low making the membrane tough and dry. ( hard for babies to get out) On the other hand, if your humidity gets too high, they could drown. Keep us updated!!

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