Blue Mille Fleur

Well, I have to breed back to a silkie to get some with the silkie feathering, but I think I may have a couple of much younger ones who have it all.
Gorgeous color.I have a teacup size silkie a smoky white and a small showgirl silkie new this year.The lacing color's on your's is very pretty.I have never bred for show since Va doesn't do show's anymore but I have enjoyed the coool cross breed's you can get when mixing and they are beautiful bird's most of the time.Very pretty!
Congrats! Just beautiful! When you say you are going to have to breed back to get some with silkie feathering, does that mean it's not 100% silkie?
Well, that is exactly what I am wondering. Is the red autosomal or gold? If autosomal, why so widespread over the body? Why is the hackle so white?

I am getting a lot of birds with very white hackles, for example, this grey.

Any help in figuring out the genotypes is appreciated. I've been working at getting mottling into the silkies, and ended up with this one. I am not nearly as good a record keeper as I should be. I am good at separating them to planned breeding groups or pairs; less good at keeping track of the chicks that hatch from each group. It is possible that the mille is offspring from the silkieXphoenix; that would account for the dark red. However if might also be the offspring of my mottled silkieXcochin mix that looks almost nothing like either breed. CockyLocky has some red, just not as much as Flaime. In either case the mom was black or blue split for mottle. I also had my white crested black in with CockyLocky for awhile. She is split for mottle, too.

Beautiful birds! Shouldn't the genetype be the same as regular mliefluers exepct changing the black gene with the blue? Do you have any pics of your mottleds?

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