Blue Orpington

I bought from breeder some Blue Orpington. They are now 8 weeks old. One of the pullets has a pea comb, the cockerel is putting copper on the shoulders.
Is this normal or are they mix ?
Mine is just curiosity, since I don't care of showing, I just like to have beautiful and tame chickens.

These are the ones in question. I bought them as Blue Orpingtons. I love them no matter, and not breeding, we have them as pets for eggs. But I love the orps. However I was told by a woman (not here on BYC) that "Those are no Blue Orpington's" she did not like my chickens lol. So I am just curious??
Sometimes people makes comments, even if they don't know what they are speaking about. Blue comes in different shades. I like your pullets and I think they are Orpington.
Seems that my comment touched Our Roost. No, I agree with your previous comment. It was direct to the woman that said that are not Orpington. Sorry about that.

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