Blue Orpington

I hatched 10 out of 12 eggs for my BBS orpingtons and I ended up with 1 blue and 8 black. One of the chicks was a different breed (sent for fun). I had to get rid of the blue because her lacing wasn't good and her comb was black, not red. She barely had any wattles, that were a gray color. I have Lucky. She is the black orpington hen I hatched out of the egg. She was the best out of all of my hatches and I had to help her. I kept her, the splash hen and the roo. I can't wait to get some babies. Hopefully you will get a blue or splash. You could always try this fall. You could get hatching eggs and try again. I don't hatch when it's hot like it is here now, but in the fall is a good time. Here in NC it stays warm until Oct. My next adventure is to get bearded silver laced polish bantams. I really want some. Hopefully I can get some soon.
Ouch! That is a high percentage of black! Luck of the draw. I'm hoping next time to find someone in our area with a splash over a blue so I am sure to get a blue or splash. This is just for our backyard flock for fun and eggs - no breeding. (Waiting for retirement when I move out to the country!
) I started with 8 eggs that were shipped. Air spaces were a a mess so I feel lucky that I got the one to hatch.
Would I be able to get some assistance with a matter to help a neighbor.

She had a nice big Blue orp rooster, and 3 days ago it got killed by a neighbors dog. For court they are looking for replacement cost. If anyone would be willing to send a quote on an adult blue Orpington with shipment costs include?

It could be e-mailed, then printed.


Check the Buy/Sell/Trade forum. You may find your answer there.
Ouch! That is a high percentage of black! Luck of the draw. I'm hoping next time to find someone in our area with a splash over a blue so I am sure to get a blue or splash. This is just for our backyard flock for fun and eggs - no breeding. (Waiting for retirement when I move out to the country!
) I started with 8 eggs that were shipped. Air spaces were a a mess so I feel lucky that I got the one to hatch.
The best way to make sure you get blue is to see if you can find someone with a black over splash or vice versa. Black and splash give you 100% blue. That's if you truly want just blue. I am hoping to get my breeding pen lined up when my black starts laying too. I don't know how far away you live but this fall if I can get some good hatch rates I could send you some eggs or meet you if you are close to NC. I have that blue roo over a black and splash hen. You would definitely get a variety. Just a thought.
I may do that.  I would like one of each but I should probably hedge my bets next time so I am more likely to get a blue pullet out of the hatch.

If you want mostly blue but with a few black and splash, you could breed blue to blue and get roughly 50% blue 25% splash & 25% black

Here's one of my Blue Orp Roosters I have 2 and also a Black Orp rooster and 2 Black Orp pullets I love my Orps much calmer then my 2 speckled Sussex pullets
Thoughts, boys or girls?
Chick no 1


Chick no 2


Theyre around 3 weeks,noticed the way bigger size in chick no 2, plus th combo starts to show up, also noticed the white feathers in chick no 2 splash?
This is just an educated guess as I am pretty new at this. I had a buff orp with the longer pointed wings like chick #2 and it turned out to be a boy (though sexed as a pullet). Also - early comb development. Behavior should give you some insight too. So I say #1 girl #2 boy.

Sorry - not much help with the coloring though I would suspect a splash too with the white feathers.

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