Blue peachicks sex ?

That chick in pictures 6 and 7 looks like a hen.
The other ones might be too young to tell?
But some of our experts will no doubt have thoughts about that...
Hello again,
The experts haven't stepped in here, so although I can't tell you their sex, I'll share what you should look for (to the best of my knowledge).

As you probably know, adult males (generally) have barring on their wings; barring is clearly defined dark and light striping.
When they are young, the barring is not as clear but you can still see it.
On a female, you'll see some dark and light areas, and some delicate patterns, but the overall impression is of mottled brown tones.
On a male, however, you will see that the barring - the dark and light striping - is more clearly defined.
This is what you will want to look for on your chicks, and why I suggested that the chick in pictures 6 and 7 may be a hen.
I hope that this helps?
India blue chicks normally need to be about 3 months of age before you can be sure. Males will retain their barring after a molt, while females will lose theirs. Six weeks in a little young to tell.

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