Blue Plymoth Rocks??

Wanted to post an updated picture of Rooty he's 5 mo old now.

Halo what do u thing?

Good grief, is that the same guy you posted before???

He looks monstrous! Is he a blue or a splash?

I had some problems earlier with a lot of gold/brown coming thru on the hackles; seems you have some of that going on. But man, what a big fella there.

What a difference from that first picture you posted.
I'm thinkin he's a splash cause he has a few dark blue spots on him. His coloring may not be the best but he's a big boy and takes good care of his girls
Best dancer I've seen

What do u think about me breed them back to some white rocks?
I have no idea what you'd get with that cross. Check with the genetic gurus; Im sure you'll get some good advice. Theres some incredibly smart people here who know their genetic stuff.

If he is splash, cross him with your barred rock girls. You'll get blue sex links.
I'm not sure what Standard you're reading. Mine says yelloe or dusky yellow, yellow preferred. Per the APA Standard leg colour not appropriate to the breed is a disqualification.

When was that written? Before or after BBS became accepted in the US?
If that's the case, LOTS of people with BBS birds have coops full of DQs.

Not sure what you mean when you say "after BBS was accepted in the US"? There is no "BBS" of any breed listed in the APA Standard. In large fowl Rocks Blue is a standard cplour, Black & Splash are not.
I am approaching my 50th year of poultry breeding & I never heard of "BBS" birds until I started posting on this site. I raised BLUE Andalusians for years & never heard of them being called BBS Andalusians. The Black & Splash are byproducts of a blue mating.
Giving this old thread a bump in order to get some updated input.

Anyone have any recent contact info on where I can get some Blue Rock chicks? (I am looking for hens.)

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