Blue soft lump on chest - any ideas on what it could be


In the Brooder
10 Years
Oct 18, 2009
Fareham, Hampshire UK

My dad has two black star chickens and recently they have been off laying and lost all the feathers (diagnosis scaly and red mite) which he treated and fingers crossed the feathers seem to be growing back.

But he has found a blue soft lump on the chests of both of these birds in exactly the same place and he is not sure what to do to treat or what it is.

Does anyone have any ideas on what this could be???? and what to do or leave it. Could this be related to their recent illness as they were very sick.

Thanks for reading and look forward to any ideas!

You said they were "very sick" with a "recent illness" - what was the illness, or are you just meaning the mite infestation?
Were are not sure what they had but i think it was probably to do with the mites - they were all off colour, not laying and generally not happy chicks but they have started to perk up so i can only assume it was the mites!

I will ring him and ask him to take a pic but i wonder if it could be a bruise as there are nude from losing their feathers - would a bruise turn into a soft lump though??

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