blue swede


8 Years
Aug 9, 2011
Hello...I am very much getting hooked on the thought of ducks in the spring and glad my hubby is once again suportive of my whims...
one that would be easily available for purchase is a blue swede...
Can't seem to find information...on this breeds noise level...the run will be close to the house and sleeping quarters...
so noise level has to be a consideration...
also...they said does not do well in 270 sq feet considered confinement...
is there any favorite breeds one might recoment that are
good egg producers...
low noise level..
cute... it is loud then like the runner...ok...
definately will consider a welsh...especially reading up is like the khaki camble*yes yes bad speller I know) in egg production, but more friendly...
thanks..4 the tip:frow:caf
I've got Blue Swedish and I've had both hatchery birds and show bred birds.

My show birds are calm, not terribly noisy considering they are ducks and all ducks make noise.

The hatchery birds were in full blown hysteria all the time. Anything and everything upset them. They were not only noisy, but they kept the other birds riled up as well. I was so glad when they finally went and the flock calmed down.

Not that it matters for pets, but the hatchery Swedish were a lot smaller birds than the show birds, who are the correct size for their breed. Also, several of the hatchery birds were crested, which is a defect in the skull, so I don't want it in my flock.
I've got 6 Swedish and two cross bred ducks living about 3 feet from my bedroom window. They are quiet through the night. When the sun comes up the cross breed quack a bit repetitiously (about as loud as someone talking) but the Swedish are quiet. Altogether they are a lot quiter than my chickens. Before I got ducks I was worried about noise but it has not turned out to be a problem.

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