I looked at the certificate application. You have to list where you will be going to sell birds. What if you don't know!! But want to get it so you can sell. Any ideas of what to put...or do you have to ammend everytime you want to sell something somewhere?
I just look ahead at where I think I might sell and list as many as I can. I think they just want to have some idea where you are going.
They don't expect you to know everywhere you are going over the next 12 months.

I just wanted everyone to know that the catalogs have yet to be sent out but they are being printed and should be mailed by this Friday.
If you have not recieved it by the first of next week please let me know.

Thanks, Bob
OK People, My wife's mind is the only one I can read. I would love to send anyone who wants one a catalog but I must have your address.
Just e-mail me at- [email protected] with your address.

Believe it or not but a number of people have emailed me and asked for a catalog but forgot to give their address.
Come on now - you know who you are - raise your hand.


I have been reading this forum for days, and I think my brains are scrambled. Gee, how did I think I could get mail without giving an address???? I'll e-mail you. Thanks, I'm usually not that least I hope not.
Hopefully everyone that wanted a catalog has got one by now. If you want to just visit ( and we hope you do) just e-mail me and I will send instructions.
We will have a world class raffle- maybe the best poultry raffle in Texas and beyond and a silent auction. We are going to serve sausage wraps and drinks and other items. There will also be some poultry for sale by those with a TAHC permit.
The judging begins at 9 am and should be over by mid afternoon. The auction and raffle with be shortly after lunch. So come spend the day with us.

Also to our exhibitors from the Central Texas Area we are looking for new people to help with our show. We are trying to revive the exhibition poultry world here in Central Texas and this show is put on by the remnants of the Brazos Valley Poultry Club and as we are getting older we are hoping to somehow pass the torch onto others while we are still able to do so.
We can always use help in working the show and especially afterwards with the tear down. We have had some interest in reviving the Club so please speak up if it is something that interests you.

But by all means come visit us at the show!

[email protected]

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