The Bluebonnet Classic is an annual show held the 1st or 2nd weekend in January. We open the doors at 7 am but at that time people are unloading their birds and getting things ready for the show. You are welcome to look around but most people will be very busy.

The show in La Grange is the first weekend in March and the New Braunsfel show is April 4 th.

There was a time not too long ago that there were shows in Texas almost every weekend from September to April and in San Antonio, Seguin, Georgetown, Brehnam. New Braunsfel and Waco. Texas was an exhibition poultry hot bed up until the early 90's, but times have changed. People pass away, move on, or give up and no one has been taking their place. Throw in the rules placed on us by the TAHC and it really hurts.

Having said all that there is a revival of sorts happening at this time. We have a couple of new clubs and with them are new shows and activities. Entries have been going up at shows and new faces are visiting all the time.

Thanks for the info Bob... so if i got there between 2 and 3 in the afternoon it would be too late then??? I'll still go over Friday eve just to get my bearings so that i can send a friend over to do some searching for Saturday.. Good Luck to all!!!

I popped in just to see as well and saw some beautiful looking entries.. The black cochin bantams are amazing. I have never seen such beautiful cochins... and also.. The modern game bantams.. WOW amazing.... and now that I think of it, I think it was Bob Choate who wrote me on this forum. Such a welcoming people he and his wife, and such amazing chickens!!! They almost dont look real!! Also some wonderful looking Sumatras absoloutely amazing plumage.. I so hope that I can get there before everyone leaves as I want to purchase some Standard Cochins and just might have to have some of those modern games!!!

GOOD LUCK TO ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I went to the show today also and had a wonderful time.

I saw a lot of BYC friends and met some new ones.

It was a fairly large show and the birds were amazing. There seemed to be more bantams than large breeds, and I was surprised there were not more variety of breeds represented.
Showed at the BlueBonnet Classic today! Son and I took 6 Games and placed 1st grey Game pullet, 1st and 3rd Blue Aseel Stag, 1st Red Aseel Pullet, and 2nd Red Aseel Stag. Our fowl are Aseel and we had to compete with some fine looking games of all breeds to place. The rest of the show arena was FILLED with ALL kind and breeds of fowl, duck, rabbit and pigeons. I LOVED the little Roller Pigeons. I love those fowl shows. Tired but happy. A lot of beautiful animals there today!
No, I am only 20 miles away from College Station. Was the easiest trip I've made to show fowl yet! Thank you, Carla!
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I just want to thank everyone who came out to the show this weekend and made it a great success. We were blessed with good weather and a great turn out.

I hope that we can keep growing not only in the number of entries but in the amount of sale birds. As far as I know we are the only show in Texas that has sale birds and now that we have started the ball rolling I hope that other shows will follow suit. I know that some are disappointed that there are far more bantams than Large fowl but it is that way everywhere, and it is only natural since they are easier to care for.

Our raffle was a great success and I hope if you attended that you were able to participate in it. Bob Burkey of the Randall Burkey Supply company was very generous with his poultry supplies and it made a lot of the male exhibitors get involved in the raffle.

Thanks again and if anyone has any comments -good or bad - I would want to hear them

I was able to get hubby to take me to the show along with his brother and wife.. we made it a day trip. Hubby and his brother teased me whole time as to why I wanted to go see chickens.. this is because they were raised on farm in Kansas and saw chickens all the time.. Well they didn't realize there were so many breeds..
I made a bee line for the Ducks.. Was a little disappointed because there was not very many.. I am happy to of gotten to see what the Welsh Harlequins look like in person ... along with the other ones..
Also enjoyed seeing all the different breeds of chickens, doves and pigeons..
Was hoping to be able to meet some of the duck owners but everyone was busy on stage when we were there around 1:00 till 2:00..
Still had a nice time and Hope that there will be one in Waco in the near future.
still want to locate breeders close to waco, of welsh harlequin ducks, australian spotted and mini apple yard..

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