Board Demographics

Male, English, 48

Married to American and we live in Oklahoma.

2 kids in England, 3 Step-kids here and I adore them all.

10, 10 day old Buff Orpingtons in brooder.
27, Female, married for 9 1/2 years with a 10 yr. old son. SAHM for now.

3 dogs, (1 Chesapeake bay retriever, 1 boarder collie and 1 mutt) 4 cats and bringing home my TB horse in June or July and at the end of the month, 26 chicks from MMH.
39 and Married to the same beautiful, precious, loveable woman for 18 years. 3 Sons 12, 11 and #3 went to heaven at 23 mos.

Chicken Farmer
Coal Miner
Football Coach
I am an almost 38 year old mother of 2 girls (ages 17 and 18) and stepmother to 2 more(son=28, daughter=27). I work as a small business consultant, helping people to start or expand businesses.

Our household includes my hubby, a geriatric german shepherd, a red eared slider turtle and an aquarium of tropical fish... Not a chicken in sight yet!
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Female, 33, married to 32 year old great man, Registered Veterinary Technician, Sub-permitted non-game wild avian rehabilitator.

First degree was in psych and first real job was as a 911 telecommunicator for 6 years.

3 dogs
5 cats
4 leopard geckos (2 eggs in incubator and she's about to lay again!)
1 cornsnake
1 pet rat
1 tarantula
1 netherland dwarf rabbit, black buck
1 netherland/mini rex cross rabbit, blue himi doe - to be used in a breeding program to create velveteen dwarf rex
4 button quail
1 2 year old Appendix American Quarter Horse, black with flash gelding *
3 golden sebrights, show birds *
2 American serama, show birds *
1 Cochin pullet (hatchery) ***
1 chocolate call drake (will be getting him a buddy drake in a month)
2 silkies, partridge and white **
1 OEGB blue wheaten cockerel, show birds **

* at a friend's farm
** currently here in quarantine - recent acquisitions - but will go to friend's farm soon
*** might stay as a house chicken, along with one of the silkies

Shoot - no wonder the hubby said no more animals - we have a 1300 sq ft house and a 0.3 acre yard (smaller than most any other yard in town!)
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33, female and married
3 kids Taylor, Sebastian and Samantha
hubby George in the army 12 years we are married a week shy of 7.i am a domestic engineer, we have 6 snakes, a gator snapper 4 chicks 20 fertile in the bator due around thursday and 24 more eggs coming
Female, 34(until Sept), married almost 10yrs., Dance Studio Owner/Instructor.
No children (human ones anyway).
2 Dogs
3 Chickens

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